Asmanexpress is a Shopping application developed by asmanexpressgroup, but with the best Android emulator-LDPlayer, you can download and play Asmanexpress on your computer.
Running Asmanexpress on your computer allows you to browse clearly on a large screen, and controlling the application with a mouse and keyboard is much faster than using touchscreen, all while never having to worry about device battery issues.
With multi-instance and synchronization features, you can even run multiple applications and accounts on your PC.
And file sharing makes sharing images, videos, and files incredibly easy.
Download Asmanexpress and run it on your PC. Enjoy the large screen and high-definition quality on your PC!
Aşgabat şäheriniň çägine tiz eltip berme hyzmaty.
Asmanexpress - bu onlaýn hyzmat platformasynyň täze bir görnüşi bolup, onda azyk-iýmit önümleri, gazly we gazsyz içgiler, konditer önümleri, arassaçylyk-himiýa serişdeleri we gündelik hojalyk harytlary bardyr.
Iň esasy ýeri-de, onlaýn dükana gitmek zerurlygynyň ýokdugy we harytlaryň örän gysga wagtyň dowamynda salgyňyza getirilip berilýanligidir. Onlaýn markediň şäheriň 5 ýerinde, şol sanda sizden hem uzak bolmadyk ýerde harytlary toplama ammarlarynyň bolmagy sargyt edilen harytlary şeyle gysga wagtda eltip bermäge mümkinçilik berýär.
Asmanexpress market – dessine islän zadyňy almak üçin...
Siz her günde gerek bolup durýan çörek, ýag, şeker, miweler we gök-bakja önümleri ýaly harytlary tapyp bilersiňiz. Dükanyň harytlarynyň hatarynda 1500 töweregi gündelik sarp edilýän önümler bar.
Häzirki wagtda Asmanexpress markedi Aşgabat şäheriniň we onuň etekleriniň çäginden sargyt edilen islendik harytlary sanlyja minutda müşderiniň salgysyna eltip berýär.
Asman Mega market – uly sowdalar üçin...
Asmantiz onlaýn markediň “Asmantiz Mega” bölümçesi hem bar. Bu has giň gerimli gipermarket bolup, ol özünde 5000 dürli islendik görnüşli harytlary jemleýär. Bu ýerden siz maşgalaňyz üçin zerur bolan köp mukdarda lomaý görnüşde söwda edip, eden sargydyňyzy 30-40 minutda alyp bilersiňiz.
Bu hyzmatlar Aşgabat şäheriniň çäginde sargyt etmek üçin elýeterlidir. Onlaýn sargyt esasynda eltip berme hyzmaty her gün 08:00-dan 22:00-a çenli aralykda ýerine ýetirilýär.
Fast delivery in Ashgabat.
Asmanexpress is a new format of a convenience store with food, drinks, confectionery, household chemicals and household goods.
The main difference is that you do not need to go to it: all orders will be brought to you as soon as possible. So fast, because there are Asmanexpress market pick-up points in five districts - not far from you.
Asmanexpress market - for a quick purchase of the desired ...
In it you will find the most necessary goods of daily demand: bread, butter, sugar, drinks, fruits and vegetables. What suddenly ended: toothpaste, powder, wipes. Approximately 1,500 essential items available at the convenience store. But now the purchases will be brought directly to your home.
Currently, within the radius of order picking points, Asmanexpress market delivers purchases in a matter of minutes.
Asman mega market – for big purchases…
Asmanexpress has a section - Asman mega market. This is an online hypermarket that offers 5,000 items from different categories. Here you can make wholesale purchases for the whole family, which you will have in 30-40 minutes.
The service is available throughout Ashgabat. Delivery is carried out every day from 8:00 to 22:00.