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What is LD Coin?

LD Coin is the virtual currency of LDGame. It can be used to directly purchase items or packs in LDGame, and can be used to participate in LDPlayer events. LD Coins can be obtained by recharging and participating in LDPlayer events.

What are the special benefits for playing LDGame?

LDGame special benefits include LDPlayer exclusive events, giftpacks and top-up discount.

What payment methods does LDGame support?

LDGame supports various payment methods including VISA, e-wallet and so on.

For the same game, can my game account be shared across the LDGame version, Google version, and App Store version?

For most games, your game account cannot be shared across different versions. However, for a small number of games, it can. It depends on the game developer.
How to play LDGame?

Open LDPlayer > LDStore > the blue LDGame area at the top right corner to view all LDGame.

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