In the year 2122 AD, an unknown entity calling itself "The Apostle" descends upon the Earth from the sky, bringing with it an apocalyptic rain of meteorites. In the blink of an eye, a significant portion of the Earth's surface is destroyed, along with much of its life. Fortunately, some humans manage to survive the apocalypse and gradually succeed in rebuilding the Earth. During the planet's reconstruction, scientists notice that an enormous number of strange crystals are forming at the point where the meteorites fell during the apocalypse. It becomes immediately apparent that a new, immensely powerful energy called "Astrogen" can be derived from these crystals. Thanks to this newfound power, the human race regains strength and thrives stronger than ever. However, what no one expects is that the being called "The Apostle" was never truly defeated; it had merely been dormant in the depths of the Earth. This is where our adventure begins, alongside Apathy, Rosalie, Rafael, and many other fighters, ready to stand by our side and save the world from the new Apocalypse!
Ark Re:Code is a new Turn-Based H-Gacha game very similar to "Epic Seven" in its gameplay structure. Here, players can assemble a party of characters, up to a maximum of 4 (plus a support character from a friend). Each character has a Class (Defender, Warrior, Caster, Vanguard, Medic, and Sniper) and an Element (Fire, Nature, Water, Light & Dark). Victory in each battle is easily achieved through a good combination of favorable classes and elements. Despite being intended for an adult audience, the game boasts a truly effective combat system. Additionally, the game offers various PvE and PvP content. Among the most important PvE content is the Main story, which naturally unlocks all other modes, providing numerous rewards, including new characters, items, summoning gems, and much more. In addition to the main story, there are Daily Dungeons essential for character enhancement, Events with plenty of redeemable items, the "Virtual Reality" tower with 100 floors to conquer, and the "Hunt," featuring 5 bosses to defeat for excellent gear.
For PvP, there is a 4v4 Arena system (against both AI-controlled players and NPCs) that rewards players based on the rank they achieve. The game also offers a wide variety of adult scenes to unlock and collect! If you enjoy turn-based games and beautiful characters, Ark Re:Code is the game you've been waiting for!
The “Main Story” game content lets you discover the main plot of the game. While completing the various stages, you will receive a lot of rewards, such as Exp Items, Summon Currency and also new Characters!
In “Element Exploration” game mode you can obtain materials for Disciplines. Elemental Exploration is separated into 5 attributes, each attribute has multiple difficulty. The harder the stage, the higher the quality of the Materials you can obtain.
The “Virtual Reality” is a “Tower” game mode where you have to complete all the floors (Max 80) to receive great rewards. You can complete a max of 3 Floors per day.
The “Hunt” game content gives you the opportunity to obtain Equipment and Crafting Materials depending on the type of Hunt. The Higher the Hunt Difficulty, the better the rewards.
The “Arena” game content is the PvP mode that allows players to spar with other players. Defeat opponents to obtain “Medals of Honor” and spend them in the Arena Shop for great rewards. You need “Flags” to enter the arena.
Every Character in Ark Re:Code needs to be leveled, equipped, and enhanced to be utilized to the fullest in battle. Let's see how to strengthen our characters and understand their stats.
Defender = They stand at the front, protecting our team
Warrior = They possess both strong Attack and Defense Ability
Caster = They Excel at launching powerful AoE Attacks, weakening enemy and provide support
Vanguard = They swiftly traverse the battlefield, dealing fatal blows and taking down enemies fast
Medic = They Support our team with Healing and buffs
Sniper = They assist our team with single target damage and weakening abilities
Fire = Strong Against Nature, Weak against Water
Nature = Strong Against Water, Weak against Fire
Water = Strong Against Fire, Weak Against Nature
Light = Strong / Weak Against Dark
Dark = Strong / Weak Against Light
Level Up
Increase the level of your character, up to level 60. You can use Exp Potion or Battle Exp to increase the Character Level.
Discipline is a way to strengthen Characters. Every level of Discipline give your character a boost, while the Third level also give a boost to one skill
Potential Break
When using dupes of the same Character, you can increase the “Potential Break”. This feature has 2 States: Team Potential, which can increase the stats of other Party Members or Self Potential, which can increase the stat of the Character.
Enhance Skill
By enhancing your Character Skills, you’ll make it more powerful. You need “Skill Mods” to increase Skill Power.
Bonds can grant special powers to the Character who equip them. A Bond consists of its base stats and “Bond Skill”. Each Bond has its own unique “Bond Skill”. These Skills have many different effects, so choose the best bond according to the battle! There are two types of Bonds:
Class Exclusive Bonds
This Bonds can only be used by Characters of a certain Class
Universal Bonds
This Bonds can be used by any Character
Bonds, same as Character, must be leveled up to reach the max potential.
The “Equipment” in Ark Re:Code is important as Characters, since the real power of your Characters comes from good pieces of Equipment. Let’s see how to make Equipment Strong and their Rarity, stats and Set:
Equipment Rarity
The Rarity of equipment is: Normal, Advanced, Rare, Epic, Legendary
Equipment Enhance
Each piece of equipment can reach level 15, and gain a new stat (or improve one already existing in it) every 3 levels (3/6/9/12/15).
Equipment Set
Attack Set = ATK +45%
Health Set = HP +20%
Defence Set = DEF +20%
Critical Set = Crit +12%
Accuracy Set = Effect Hit Rate +20%
Resistance Set = Effect Res +20%
Speed Set = Speed +16%
Destruction Set = Crit DMG +50%
Lifesteal Set = Recover 20% of Damage Dealt
Counter Set = 30% Counter Chance
Flanking Set = Flanking Rate +8%
Immunity Set = Apply Immunity at Battle Start for 1 Turn
Rage Set = Dmg +30% vs Debuffed Target
Revenge Set = SPD +12%, SPD +0.5% every 1% HP Lost
Injury Set = Reduce Max Hp of target after Attacking
Penetration Set = Single Target DMG +15% Def Pen
The “Filter Recruit” Banner is the First Banner you will unlock directly after finishing the Tutorial. This is a Special Banner that has no cost and can Guarantee you 1 5 Stars unit among the 6 Selected. In this banner you can roll Infinitely, until you get the combination of Characters and Bonds you like. Here’s the rates:
5 Stars Characters = 100% (10th Pull)
4 Stars Characters = 4.5%
3 Stars Characters = 42.25%
4 Stars Bonds = 6.5%
3 Stars Bonds = 46.75%
You are Guaranteed to obtain 1 5 Stars Character.
The “Pick Up Recruit” Banner is a “Rate Up” Banner that gives you a high chance to obtain a Character on Rate Up and her Exclusive Bond. To summon on Pick Up Recruit Banner you can consume “Recruit Contract”, x5 for 1 Single Summon and x50 for a x10 Summon. Here’s the rates:
5 Stars Characters = 1%
4 Stars Characters = 4.5%
3 Stars Characters = 41.25%
5 Stars Bonds = 1.05% (Rate Up)
5 Stars Bonds = 0.7%
4 Stars Bonds = 6.5%
3 Stars Bonds = 45%
You are Guaranteed to obtain the 5 Stars Character on rate up within n120 Pulls.
Every 20 Pulls you obtain a Recruit Mileage. You can Exchange those Medals for different rewards in the shop.
The “Mysterious Recruit” Banner is a Special “Rate Up” Banner that gives you a chance to obtain “Galaxy Characters” (Light & Dark) that are on Rate Up. To summon on Mysterious Recruit Banner you can only use “Mysterious Contract”, x5 for 1 Single Summon and x50 for a x10 Summon. Here’s the rates:
5 Stars Galaxy Characters = 0.625%
5 Stars Character = 0.625%
4 Stars Galaxy Characters = 0.9%
4 Stars Characters = 3.6%
3 Stars Characters = 41%
5 Stars Bonds = 1.75%
4 Stars Bonds = 6.5%
3 Stars Bonds = 45%
You are Guaranteed to obtain the 5 Stars Galaxy Character on rate up within 200 Pulls.
The “Normal Recruit” Banner is the Common Banner where you can find all the Characters actually released in the game (Including the Galaxy Character, except for Rate Up one). You can summon on this banner with “Recruit Contract”, x5 for 1 Single Summon and x50 for a x10 Summon. Here’s the rates:
5 Stars Galaxy Characters = 0.15%
5 Stars Character = 1.25%
4 Stars Galaxy Characters = 0.5%
4 Stars Characters = 4.5%
3 Stars Galaxy Characters = 4.35%
3 Stars Characters = 41%
5 Stars Bonds = 1.75%
4 Stars Bonds = 6.5%
3 Stars Bonds = 40%
You are Guaranteed to obtain a Random 5 Stars Character within 180 Pulls.
Every 20 Pulls you obtain a Recruit Mileage. You can Exchange those Medals for different rewards in the shop.
The “Galaxy Recruit” Banner is a Special Banner where you can only obtain Galaxy Character. You can summon on this Banner only with “Galaxy Contract”, x5 for 1 Single Summon and x50 for a x10 Summon. Here’s the rates:
5 Stars Galaxy Characters = 2.5%
4 Stars Galaxy Characters = 27.5%
3 Stars Galaxy Characters = 70%
Characters have H-18+ Animation for Ultimate Abilities.
Combat system is good enough (Similar to Epic Seven).
Fully Voiced Characters.
Vip System.
Very low gacha rates.
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