How to get Maximum from AK 47 Call of Duty Mobile


Call of duty mobile is a mobile game that has been liked all over the world. The game is liked by almost every age group. The game keeps the taste of every battle-liking player alive. Most of the players enjoy playing this game on PC o. You can play it on the best emulator available so far,


COD-M AK47 GS Introduction


AK 47 Overview:


The AK-47 is the most powerful fully automatic assault rifle in Call of Duty Mobile. The AK-47, on the other hand, has high recoil, making it difficult to hit an enemy target. Because of its high power and damage output, the AK-47 is preferred by many skilled players.


Whether you believe it or not, becoming a great AK player in Call of Duty: Mobile requires more than just playing death matches for 15 hours every day. There are more effective techniques to improve faster. The essential advice is to take the AK-47's strengths and push them as far as they can go.


Taking headshot angles everywhere you can be one of the ways you can do that.

If you've ever played a deathmatch, you're probably aware of how difficult it is to operate an M4 compared to an AK. It's simply a lot more challenging to strike several targets with an M4 than it is with an AK.


AK 47 Stats:


This is a new set of AK-47 stats, which means that the weapon has no attachments.






Fire rate











Best Attachments for AK 47:


This is our suggestion on picking the best attachments for AK-47 in Call of Duty Mobile:


Optic: Classic Red Dot Sight.

Ammunition: Extended Mag A.

Stock: YKM Light Stock.

Rear Grip: Stippled Grip Tape.

Underbarrel: Strike Foregrip.


AK 47 Stats After Attachments:






Fire rate














Angles for the Headshot:


You must be able to win a lot more duels if you play around with headshot cover. Of course, such angles aren't always available, and you'll find yourself in situations where they aren't. You may look for those angles on numerous maps, and most of them include a lot of headshot-level covers. If you can find these angles as frequently as possible, especially if you know your opponents won't have AKs, your win rate should improve.


Another thing to consider is the thing that the AK has a built-in advantage over the M4. As a result, you should not be afraid to engage in fair 50-50 duels with it. Fair fights against the M4 are widely regarded as a blunder. If the duel is fair and the AK-47 is superior, the AK-47 player should win most of the time.


Add in the fact that most maps in CoD Mobile are small, and it's easy to see how beneficial it is to engage in fair fights.


Boost Your Aim:


However, to get the most out of those duels, you must ensure that your aim is razor-sharp. You'll notice results rapidly if you practice your aim. Fortunately, there is an air drill that you can use to improve your aim significantly. Get into a deathmatch and only tap once. Because you need to focus on your first shot accuracy, you'll do this instead of merely spraying or bursting.


The first one or two-shot are usually the ones that determine the fight's result. That is, at least, the situation at the professional level of play. You'll be able to progress considerably faster than the majority of players you'll be up against if you practice alone. Practicing first shot accuracy improves not only AK control but also improves control of all firearms.


Using an AK or any other gun to hit a first shot headshot works the same way.


You shouldn't completely disregard spraying, but make sure you devote the most of your attention to the initial few shots. So that no matter what gun you're using, you can kill your opponent significantly faster.




Another thing to keep in mind, especially while learning how to use the AKs effectively, is clearing angles properly. Many players have trouble clearing angles or at least doing it well. The truth is that clearing angles might be challenging at times, especially if you have to do it quickly, such as when you're in a hurry. Having stated that, it is undeniable.


The best approach to improve your angle clearing is playing in practice mode with bots on any map and practicing the pre-fire mode there. You do this so you may become familiar with all of the usual angles and practice pre-aiming and pre-firing them. Once you've mastered it, gradually increase the speed until you're able to complete it at an acceptable speed.


You can do another thing to watch a pro's demo and try to emulate what they're doing. You can be sure you're receiving an excellent example by seeing a pro do it first. So that you don't make any mistakes once you're in the game.




Keep a tab:


The second piece of advice is to make sure you're watching your performances. One of the most effective ways to learn and improve is to watch your performance. It's so important that we've included it in our other CoD Mobile instructions as well. It's not only about headshots when it comes to using the AK.


One of the highly significant things among all is that you should do is learn from your mistakes. It's not always just that you weren't hitting your shots. The most typical reason you're not succeeding is that you're making questionable pushes or making other faults you're not even aware of. Watching back your plays is the best approach to figure out where you're making those blunders.


Team Play AK 47:


When it comes to using the AK, the next most crucial thing to remember is to play with your teammates. Killing a sniper, for example, can be pretty tricky, especially if you don't have enormous scope. You and your teammates must work together if you're all on AKs.


Two persons with basic game knowledge are generally enough to win a round against a good double or even triple sniper setup. Also, someone who is willing to go first and two other players who can work together well.


Sniper rifles in Call of Duty Mobile are still potent weapons; therefore, it won't be simple. It must be achievable as long as there are some decent flashes to get the first person out. The first guy is likely to die, or at the very least, should die. The second individual will be more than capable of reclaiming the kill and becoming increasingly pushed up. That is to say, as long as you keep trading, you should win the round.


Of course, this strategy won't work if the team is rushing at multiple angles at once, never pausing to employ a smoke grenade or other harmful weapons. Still, if the execution is good, it should be possible. To do so, you should at the very least be familiar with the critical elements of lethal. To clear out the most prevalent snipe places, you must master basic smokes and grenades.


When someone is racing through a smoke blind, it's far easier to headshot with an AK than when they're trained on your angle and waiting for you to peek. You never want to make it simple for your opponents. The unique approach to quitting doing that is to learn how to deal with problems with lethality.


That takes us to our final point, which is quite significant. When utilizing the AK 47 or any other one-shot weapon, you should always have a calm demeanor. It's critical to maintain cool when using this gun, not only to avoid missing easy shots but also to hit shots you wouldn't ordinarily be able to get. Staying calm ensures that you don't want to overspray and that you don't just fire away.






This guide briefly describes how you can get the maximum out of the most used weapon in Call of Duty. This guide will help you understand the stats and the best loadout for your weapon so that you can play and guide yourself to a better victory. You can also read out of complete guides on other weapons of Call of Duty mobile on LDPlayer.

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