Building a village, joining a clan, and participating in clan wars is what you should focus on when playing Clash of Clans Clan. The clan wars are strategic battles between two clans and learning the best Clash of Clans Clan War tips will be very helpful for you in mastering these wars. So, learn them with this guide and start to play Clash of Clans on PC with LDPlayer.
When it comes to a clan war in the Clash of Clans game, building your war base strategically is crucial. You need to make sure that the war base is built to withstand both air and ground attacks. The war base is basically a copy of your village in the game, but the twist is here: you don’t have to protect your resources.
However, it is important to protect your town hall at all costs. If the enemies are able to capture your town hall by attacking and destroying it, they will receive stars, which will increase their chance of winning the clan war. The maximum stars that they can get by destroying your base and town hall is three stars, and the more stars they earn, the more chances that they win. So, what you need to do is to make sure that they will get the least stars possible, and for that, strategy planning when building the war base is crucial.
Here are some Clash of Clans Clan War tips on how to build your war base to prevent enemies from benefiting from your war base.
The clan wars have two phases: the first phase is for preparation, and the next phase is when the battle starts. On the first day, which is the preparation day, make sure you reserve some time to take a good look at the enemy war bases of the opposing clans. You can go to the clan window, choose the enemy base you want to examine, and then visit it.
By doing so, you can check their troop capacity, what heroes they prioritize using in the clan wars. Also, you can understand the layout of the war base to plan your attacks strategically. Not just that, you can create defense lineups to face those hero units that enemies use in their battle lineups. It is always better to be well-prepared prior to participating in the battles.
One of the main Clash of Clans Clan War tips that you need to follow is to use the spells to boost the effectiveness. Spells provide boosts, buffs, and debuffs during the battles. When a battle is going on, you can use the spells to boost the effectiveness of your troops so that you can enhance the damage dealt to the enemies by them.
Some of the best spells to use during the clan wars are heal spells and rage spells. With heal spells, you can heal your troops, and with rage spells, you can trigger the power within your troops. By doing so, in every clan war, your heroes will do much better than they were before. So, assign the best spells to the troops and use them at the right moment to boost the effectiveness of your troops during the battle challenges.
Before you get to attack a specific enemy base during the clan wars, it is crucial to create the best team composition. Without the best composition of heroes and spells, there is no way you can subdue one’s base to yours to earn a maximum of three stars, showing off your strength to the others.
So, what are the best troops for clan wars? When it comes to attacking, first, you should choose what heroes you want for your battle team, and it depends on your town hall level. For example, if you prioritize using GoWipe and All Dragon troops in your town hall 8 base, they may not be efficient when it comes to town hall 13 as you have to prioritize using Barbarian King and spells such as rage and poison.
Once you choose your team composition depending on your town hall level, you can then start training them as much as possible. If you are done with creating lineups and training troops, then we can say that you are ready for the clan wars. So, focus on building the best troop compositions according to your town hall level.
How do you win a clan war in clash of clans? Clash of Clans beginners must know the tips and strategies to use when it comes to clan wars. Without them, there is no victory. Since this guide has taught you the best attacking strategies and Clash of Clans Clan War tips, use them well and earn victory.