Five Essential Tips to Know about Lords Mobile


If you are ready for a real battle where strategies are the lords who control the battle results, Lords Mobile is the most suited game for you. Playing the game as a master requires you to understand its most important aspects such as monster hunting, research, main stages and how to gain more resources. This is where the best tips and strategies come in handy. In this guide, we will point out the top five essential tips that you must know to master the plot when playing Lords Mobile: Kingdom Wars on PC with LDPlayer. 

Five Essential Tips to Know about Lords Mobile

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Work on Monster Hunting

One of the best ways you can obtain a lot of necessary resources for the gameplay, such as gems and speedups, is by working on monster hunting. When you look outside your kingdom, you will see monster troops on the world map, with different levels. The higher the level of the monsters, the more challenging they will be. Also, when the level of the monster troops is higher, you can obtain top-tier resources from hunting them. Also don’t forget that you have to join a guild to start hunting monsters on a regular basis. 

Work on Monster Hunting

  • Level One and Two - These monsters are not very strong and can be defeated easily and you can earn gold by hunting them. 

  • Level Three - These monsters are quite powerful compared to level one and two monsters and with them, you can obtain relocators and gems for the gameplay. 

  • Level Four - Monsters of level four give you decently tiered gear items and rare loot drops. 

So, to hunt monsters effectively, gather the Lords Mobile best heroes such as the Death Archer, Trickster, and Black Crow that deal the best physical damage on the enemies, along with Prima Donna, and Sage of Storms for the troops and start hunting monsters on the world map. Before you create the teams, check out the traits of the monsters that you are about to hunt and build a team that can counterattack the traits of each monster. 

Also, you can efficiently gather loads of resources for your gameplay, hunting down multiple monsters at once, if you play it with LDPlayer. Its Multi-Instance Manager feature allows you to maintain multiple gaming accounts to level up effortlessly. With them, you can focus on additional resource generation for your main stronghold. 


Prioritize the Research

When you first start playing the game, one of the most crucial things you should focus on is the research. Research allows you to upgrade and enhance various aspects of your gameplay through the academy. While there are many research options available, not all of them should be prioritized, some are even best avoided. For example, when researching in the academy, it's best to avoid spending resources on defensive upgrades like wall traps.

Prioritize the Research

Obviously, you should complete the military research tree within the gameplay because this is a war game and researching the military aspects will increase your chances of victory in every war. Every aspect of the military tree is very useful. So, you should maximize the research there and obtain bonuses. 

In addition to military research, you need to spend your resources to research monster hunting. With hunting monsters, you are allowed to hit monsters and obtain resources once they are defeated. Therefore, when you research the factors in the monster hunt tree, you are going to obtain a lot of benefits to increase the effectiveness of your monster-hunting abilities. 


Learn to Use Guild Coins Efficiently

Guild is a small community of players who play and adore this game like you. Once you become a part of a certain guild, you can obtain guild coins, a guild currency type, by completing help requests from other players and participating in the dragon arena. But how do you use the guild coins efficiently within the game? Most players use these guild coins to buy random things such as relocators, talent resets, or name-changing scrolls. That is a mistake you should avoid doing here. 

Learn to Use Guild Coins Efficiently

The best way to use guild coins within the Lords Mobile: Kingdom Wars gameplay is buying different items from the guild shop. You can use your guild coins to buy migration scrolls, material chests and jewel chests, which will grant you rare materials and jewels that provide additional boosts for your military troops. This is a great strategy to follow if you follow a F2P playstyle. 


Daily Quests for Loads of Resources

Lords Mobile offers various quests, including daily quests, turf quests, and guild quests, each with unique rewards. While all quests are beneficial, prioritizing daily quests is essential. These quests provide valuable resources that help speed up progress, grant EXP to level up heroes, and more.

Daily Quests for Loads of Resources

Since daily quests reset at the end of the day, be sure to complete them before they disappear to maximize rewards. They typically involve simple tasks like claiming login gifts or training troops in the barracks. Completing daily quests is one of the best Lords Mobile tips to earn extra resources, aside from using Lords Mobile codes for freebies.


Don’t Rush to Farm Gear 

One of the main tips and tricks you need to follow during the gameplay is not rushing to farm gear. Gear is what you are going to equip your characters within the gameplay, and there are different types of gear, such as, 

  • Helmet

  • Armor

  • Legs

  • Main-hand

  • Off-hand

  • Accessory 

Also, each gear item comes in different rarities as follows. 

  • Common - low power

  • Uncommon - kinda powerful than the common rank

  • Rare - powerful gears

  • Epic - so powerful and effective 

  • Mythic - the strongest stats are there with these 

  • Legendary - the most overpowered gears are here

Don’t Rush to Farm Gear 

It is a must to remember that Legendary gears bring the most power so crafting them should be your first priority. Crafting the equipment or gears costs you resource materials such as linen, platinum, amber, logs, coal, minerals, and metal. You can obtain these materials by gathering and completing turf quests, admin quests, and guild quests. Once you have enough resources, you can use them to craft and upgrade gear from the workshop. 

When farming gear, we recommend waiting until you are at level 50 or 60 in the gameplay. It is because even after you craft a gear and you feel like you don’t want it and want something else, you can dismantle it, but you will lose a lot of resources that you have invested in crafting and building a specific gear. Also, in the early stages, you don’t have enough resources to craft higher-tier gear, and therefore, you should save your resources until you reach a higher level in the gameplay. 



What is the fastest way to level up in Lords Mobile: Kingdom Wars? Including the answer, we have discussed the top five essential Lords Mobile tips for beginners within this guide. So start playing the game for real and practically experience how these five tips help you during the gameplay.

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