Etheria Restart is a perfect game for anyone who wants to try out a turn-based RPG set in a neo-contemporary virtual world. As turn-based battles are a dominant feature that makes this gameplay stand out, learning to create the Etheria Restart best team compositions is a must for all beginners to master the battles, claiming victory in every situation. Now, let’s walk you through creating your ideal team and the best beginner-friendly team composition. The best way to start your journey is by playing Etheria Restart on PC with LDPlayer for a smooth and enhanced experience.
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As a beginner in Etheria Restart, having a great team composition is essential for winning matches, clearing challenges, and progressing through the game.
Kholoros - This is an SSR character that plays the role of a debuffer in your team. He possesses the perfect debuffing skills that you can use to reduce the efficiency of enemies on the battlefield. Also, this character has single-target damage skills with a follow-up attack specialty, making it the best DPS in your team.
Lian - Another SSR that should definitely be on your team is Lian, who excels at unleashing powerful Area of Effect attacks. Lian’s abilities deal massive damage, striking multiple enemies at once. So, when you have to deal with multiple enemies at once, Lian is the perfect character. In addition to AoE attacks, she also comes with a great single-target damage attack.
Dorothy - She is an SR-supportive character with powerful healing skills. With her healing abilities, she can recover one ally at a time and heal multiple allies at once, making Dorothy very special. Her healing is always based on attack power, and she has the ability to provide shields to allies. Aside from the healing skills, Dorothy also has some capacity to damage the enemies in battle instances.
Yang - Yang is an SR character who will do the role of a buffer in your Etheria Restart best team. Not only can Yang provide buffs to boost the crit rate, but he can also boost the attack of the allies. This makes it a perfect buffer for your team.
For PVE battles where you have to farm shell drops or Ether module drops, these are the recommended heroes for a team. In these heroes, you will find the perfect stun abilities, debuffing skills, high damage capabilities, wide range healing skills necessary to gain victory in PvE.
Kloss - This is an SSR character, and she plays the role of a debuffer on the team. Her debuffing skills can increase the damage taken and decrease the damage dealt by enemies. Also, she possesses AoE debuffing skills, which makes her a very suitable candidate for PvE battles.
Shadow Sania - This is a powerful damage dealer with DOT (Damage Over Time) abilities, allowing her to steadily wear down enemies. Her skills make it easy to target high-HP enemies and take them down efficiently.
Obol - This is an SR character that possesses Damage Over Time skills. With them, he can easily deal massive damage to the enemies on the battlefield, summoning multiple damage waves upon them.
Dorothy - She serves as a support on the battlefield, healing allies during battle. What makes her special is her AoE healing abilities, allowing her to restore multiple allies at once and keep your team topped up
When challenging other players in PvP, to ensure your victory, you should pay attention to your team composition. Let's find out the Etheria Restart best team composition for the PvP challenges which comes with the best damage-dealing, buffing and debuffing skills, with powerful wide range attacks to deal with a lot of enemies at once.
Viper - This is an SR character that performs the DPS and debuffing roles on the battlefield. With his skills, he can inflict great damage upon enemies using his fast moves while debuffing enemies to reduce their attack speed.
Lily - An SSR character in the gameplay who also deals massive damage to the enemies using her powerful skills. Her skills are mostly AoE ones, and she can deal with multiple enemies at once. Also, she comes with buffing abilities that can reduce the skill CDs of allies.
Lingluo - This is an SSR unit that has the skills to perform single-target damage along with AoE healing during battle instances. Also, she can cleanse all the debuffs from allies, which is another great thing. With AoE healing skills, she can heal all the allies on the battlefield at once.
DokiDoki - One of the fastest SSR units you will see in the game is DokiDoki, which excels in dealing damage to a single enemy in the battles, purifying debuffs on allies, and providing buffs to the allies. Her skills increase her speed on the battlefield so she can act fast and damage enemies.
The top heroes in the Etheria Restart best team tier list we mentioned above are the ones you should focus on obtaining as a beginner to build a top-tier squad. But how do you get these powerful heroes? That’s where the summoning system comes in, you can use banners to pull the strongest high-tier SSR heroes.
There are permanent and time-limited banners in this summoning system, each with a guarantee that you will receive an SSR or SR within a certain number of draws.
Permanent Summoning Banner - It guarantees to give you an SR or higher Animus for every ten summons you perform.
Time-Limited Summoning Banners - Phantom Protocol, and Light Judgment banners guarantee an SSR Animus within the first hundred summons.
To summon heroes from these banners, you need Anima Prototype as the currency, which you can buy using Hydra Crystals, a common currency in this game.
Even if you have currencies needed or if there is a guarantee to give you better heroes within a certain number of summons, the results are always unpredictable. So, you can reroll, restarting the whole gameplay multiple times to continually summon each time to make sure that you won’t stick with the baddies, and take as many chances as possible to get the top-tier ones to the game.
However, rerolling is a time-consuming process because you have to waste a lot of time building your gaming account and then restarting it multiple times. To make the process easier, you can use the Multi-Instance and Sync features in LDPlayer, which allows you to create multiple accounts and sync them all together to reroll efficiently with multiple accounts at once. With that, you can secure top-tier heroes in just a few minutes and start your journey with a strong team.
Once you obtain the best heroes for your game, you also should pay attention to upgrading them. Upgrading your heroes will enhance their overall battle power, allowing them to release their full potential during the battles. If you are not willing to accept losses, you must upgrade the heroes that you have decided to add when creating your Etheria Restart best team. How do you upgrade the heroes? Let’s find out the best methods available.
Level up - You can upgrade the level of the heroes using the EXP tickets that you collect throughout the game, especially when completing quests and main quests. Every time you upgrade the level, your heroes’ attributes will increase, along with the overall battle power.
Ether Modules - They are the gear pieces that you can equip for your heroes. According to the sets of gear you can equip your heroes, you can unlock set effects that provide various buffs to your heroes to enhance their powers. Also, not only can you load gear to the relevant module slots for bonus boosts, but you can also upgrade the gear using coin currency in the game to enhance the bonuses that they provide.
Prowess - This is where you will power up the stats in the skill tree of each character and unlock additional boosts for themselves. To activate the stats, you need duplicates of the characters. With them, you can increase the attack damage, crit rate, defense, and HP, along with many other attributes.
Shell - You can assign shells for your heroes to make them more powerful and qualified for the Etheria Restart best team. With shells of different skills and powers, you can enhance your heroes in different ways with bonus skills. You can farm these shells from events going on in the game. These shells are not specialized for heroes; you can choose shells for them according to the way you want to build them. You can upgrade the shells to upgrade their powers even more using in-game currencies.
A perfectly built team is always going to be the first factor that pushes you to the victories in every turn-based battle you take part in during the game. Even if you are an Etheria Restart beginner, it is possible for you to quickly grasp the combat system by trying out the best heroes to create the best beginner team that we have suggested to you within this guide. Try them out, dominate the battlefields, and let the enemies see your power!