Fantasy Life Online is a sequel to the successful Nintendo 3DS game Fantasy Life, first released in 2012. This mobile adaptation is nearly identical to the console version, with 12 different classes, online cooperative gaming, and a large map to explore. A new hamlet has been added to the game, and it is a pleasant location where players may manage and have fun.
The Level-5-developed simulation RPG Fantasy Life Online will be launched worldwide, according to publisher Boltrend Games. From October 28, 2021, to November 5, 2021, Android users in Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Finland, Romania, and Argentina will be able to participate in a closed beta test. After the test, all data will be deleted. In the future open beta test, any amount spent during the closed beta test will be reimbursed in full.
From October 28, 2021, to November 5, 2021, the game will be in closed beta for Android. Malaysia, Canada, Australia, Finland, Romania, and Argentina are among the countries represented.
While all data will be wiped following the CBT, any money spent during that time will be returned in full. In other words, if you spend $10 on in-app purchases in the CBT, you'll get $10 back.
On July 23, 2018, Fantasy Life Online was released in Japan for iOS via the App Store and Android via Google Play. It receives frequent content updates to appeal to the large community that has sprung up around the game.
Village construction is a key part of Fantasy Life Online. You will be able to customize and transform the appearance and feel of your very own town, as well as place buildings and design the region to your preference, similar to Animal Crossing. The buildings you develop in your town will affect your adventure and objectives in the game.
You will also be able to invite your friends to your town and trade and exchange stuff with them. You can also form a group to go adventuring and to explore together. Your buddies will also be able to assist you in moving your community forward more quickly.
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