How to Download and Play RAID: Shadow Legends on PC - Beginners Guide


Experience combat against different players by deploying up to 300 different heroes with their own unique skills and abilities to claim the highest honor by playing RAID: Shadow Legends on PC with the help of LDPlayer 9.0 in 2 easy steps.

Play RAID: Shadow Legends On PC With LDPlayer In 2 Easy Steps

Step 1: Download The Official LDPlayer 9.0 Emulator & Install RAID: Shadow Legends On PC

To start playing RAID: Shadow Legends on PC, simply follow these steps:


1.1 - First, download the official LDPlayer 9.0 Emulator from the LDPlayer’s Official website and follow the instructions to install the Emulator onto your PC. Once the installation process is complete, simply launch an LDPlayer Emulator instance.

1.2 - Upon starting the emulator instance, to download RAID: Shadow Legends, simply search “RAID: Shadow Legends” on the search bar on the main screen and Install the game by clicking the “Install” button. Please make sure that the application being installed is the correct version of RAID: Shadow Legends from Plarium Global Ltd.


1.3 - Upon clicking the “Install” button, players will be directed to the Google Play Store. Simply log into your pre-existing Google Play Account or create a new one by following the Google Play Store Instructions. Once finished, simply click the “Install” button on the Google Play Store page for RAID: Shadow Legends.

1.4 - Once the application finishes downloading, players will see a notification pop up and they can launch the app directly from the home page of the Emulator instance.

Step 2: Data Download & Account Setup Process

Upon finishing downloading and installing, players will need to download the game’s data and log into the game by creating an account or logging into the game in order to be able to start playing RAID: Shadow Legends on PC.


2.1 - Upon launching RAID: Shadow Legends, players will be able to immediately log into their pre-existing account or start a new account right away after the game has loaded into its main title screen. Simply follow the Start New Game button to create a new account or use the “Log In” button to log into your account to continue.

2.2 - Once players have chosen their account type, they will be treated with the game’s Terms of Service agreement page. Simply accept the terms of service to continue to the game’s data downloading screen.

2.3 - After this, the game will download the initial patch of data and assets. For older accounts, the game will automatically download all of the old data, so it will take longer for pre-existing users.

2.4 - Once the data downloading process is completed, players will be able to play the game as per normal. For new players, a tutorial stage will play out and players will simply need to follow the game’s instructions in order to start playing the game for real after the Tutorial has ended.

Common Problems & Suggested Solutions

PvP Matches & In-Game Connection Issues

When booting up RAID: Shadow Legends, some players have been experiencing connection issues and the occasional black screens due to connection issues and server issues.

When faced with these black screens and connection issues when booting up the game or during matches, players should simply wait for the game’s server to reconnect. If this doesn’t work, simply quit out of the game and restart. 


If the connection issues persist throughout the duration of your using the app, players can consider the network bridging setting to help fix this issue.

Special Recommended Settings & Features

RAID: Shadow Legends High FPS & Graphics Settings

As RAID: Shadow Legends is an extremely well designed game, it is highly recommended that players turn on the specially supported 120 FPS and higher setting to experience the game in the best way possible.

- To turn on the 120 FPS settings, players will need to use the Game Settings tab in the Settings menu. Simply adjust the Frame Rate option and select the 120 FPS option and tick the “enable high frame rate” selection box. For higher end PCs, players can also tick the “enable V-sync to prevent screen tearing” for smoother gameplay.

- For lower end PCs, players can opt for lower end graphics setting packs that can be downloaded directly from the game, with the option to lower the FPS requirements to accommodate for the game’s graphics requirements.

Multi-Instances For Best Account Rerolling

In order to have the best RAID: Shadow Legends experience, players can reroll in the game by taking advantage of the special Multi-Instances to play multiple accounts of RAID: Shadow Legends at the same time, allowing players to reroll multiple accounts at the same time to get the best start in the game.

This function will also help players play RAID: Shadow Legends simultaneously with other games at the same time.

Mini Mode For Auto Resource Managing And Background Battling

An additional amazing function players can use to help with their RAID: Shadow Legends gaming experience is LDPlayer’s Mini Mode. By using this mode, players can make it so that the instance window is minimized, allowing players to do other things while RAID: Shadow Legends does its auto-battling in the background and helps players reap all of the best rewards without the players having to look at the game at all time

To use Mini Mode, players can simply click the button at the top right corner of the emulator or use the Ctrl + F1 command. Once in this mode, players can also pin the instance so that they can always follow the game’s progress even with the small window.


What are you waiting for? Claim your honors today with the help of more than 300 different heroes, all with different unique designs, skill sets and abilities and pit them against other players by playing RAID: Shadow Legends on PC with the help of LDPlayer 9.0, the best emulator today!


Some RAID: Shadow Legends Game Guides to give you the best head start against your foes:

- Raid Shadow Legends Champions Tier List

- RAID: Shadow Legends - Tips and Tricks

Download RAID: Shadow Legends on PC