How to Download and Play 레조넌스 on PC - Beginners Guide


Join a railway company and defend the customers’ goods and important delivery items by defeating dangerous mechs bad guys trying to steal them and recruit various amazing husbandos and waifus by playing 레조넌스 on PC today!

Play 레조넌스 on PC In 2 Easy Steps

Step 1: Download The Official LDPlayer 9.0 Emulator & Install 레조넌스


For Players Who Have Yet To Install LDPlayer 9.0:


To start playing 레조넌스 on PC, you will need to download the official Emulator from the official LDPlayer website. Complete the download and installation process by simply following the instructions. Once the installation process is complete, simply launch an Emulator instance of LDPlayer 9.0 straight from your PC.

레조넌스 How To Download

Once you have completed this step, simply continue with the following steps for those who have installed the LDPlayer 9.0 Emulator as shown below.


For Players Have Already Installed LDPlayer 9.0:


Upon starting the emulator instance, to download 레조넌스, simply search “레조넌스” on the search bar on the main screen and Install the game by clicking the “Install” button. Please make sure that the application being installed is the correct version of 레조넌스 from Ujoy Games.

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Upon clicking the “Install” button, players will be directed to the game’s Google Play account page and will be required to log into your Google Play Account to download the game.

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Once the application finishes downloading, players will see a notification pop up and they can launch the app directly from the home page of the Emulator instance.

레조넌스 Icon

Step 2: How To Create An Account & Download Game Data

2.1 - Upon launching the game, players will be treated with the game data download screen. Make sure to have a stable internet connection and simply wait for the game to finish downloading to continue.

레조넌스 Login

2.2. - Once done, you can immediately start the game by logging into the game using one of the game’s special login options.

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Please keep in mind that for those who want to reroll, you can start using a guest account by clicking on the white arrow beneath all 3 login account selections.


2.3 - Next, players will be prompted to accept the game’s various terms of service agreement and privacy policies, simply accept all of the required ones to continue.

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2.4 - Finally, you will be able to start playing the game and complete its tutorial after entering your nickname and clicking the start button on the main menu to start your adventure.

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Common Problems & Suggested Solutions

Item Not Available In Your Country

When attempting to download 레조넌스 on PC, you may be treated with the Google Play Store’s notification that the version of the application is not available in your country for download. When this happens, there are several solutions for you to download the game onto your emulators:

레조넌스 Google Play Store

1 - The first option is to change your Google Play Store’s location to Korean or by logging into a Korean region Google Play account in order to be able to download the game through Google Play Store.


2 - Another Option for players is to download the game’s APK file through the LDPlayer website. Simply select the download APK file option on the website to continue.

레조넌스 Apk

Afterward, you will be directed to the APK download page and will be able to download the APK onto your PC.


To Install the game onto the emulator, simply use the APK Install function (Ctrl + 3) on the Emulator’s side bar and select the APK file to install.

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Special Recommended Settings & Features

Reroll The Best Characters With LDPlayer Multi-Instances

To get sufficient help to operate the trains in this game and fight against the mechs standing in your way, players will need to recruit various powerful allies on your side in order to be able to complete their destined mission.


Thankfully, when playing 레조넌스, players will be given quite a bit of rolls at the start to allow them to roll for good characters to join their forces and defend against other mechs. 

레조넌스 Gameplay

In addition, you will be able to obtain a guaranteed SSR at the start of the game by rolling on the starter banner, making this game prime for rerolling so that you can obtain the strongest character or your favorite character at the start using LDPlayer’s Multi-instances feature.


By following these steps, you will be able to start rerolling in the game in no time: 


Step 1: Download the game onto a game instance following the instructions above. Then use the LDPlayer Multi-instances in order to duplicate the instances by using the “Clone Instances” option.

레조넌스 Reroll

Step 2: Once the cloned instances have finished downloading, open multiple instances at the same time in order to start rerolling. It is highly recommended that you prepare multiple accounts beforehand to maximize your rerolling chance.

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Step 3. Then you simply need to finish the game’s tutorial and roll on the Hero banners using the materials given to you from the mail, the game’s missions and more in order to try your luck.

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Another way you can reroll is by taking advantage of the special OSLink function on LDPlayer that allows you to link your instances with your phone.

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This allows you to reduce the amount of RAM your computer will use but still allows you reroll. To do this, you simply need to click on the “Remote LDPlayer” on the top bar and follow the instructions.


Then, simply download the OSLink app on your phone to link your phone and LDPlayer together to be able to reroll on your phone.


By following the steps, you will be able to try and obtain the best characters that will aid you on your journey in no time. So we hope that you can have the best of luck while rerolling and will be able to obtain your favorite character without fail.

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Mini Mode For Easy Auto-Battling

An amazing function you can use to help with your 레조넌스 gaming experience is LDPlayer’s Mini Mode. By using this mode, you can make it so that the instance window is minimized, allowing you to do other things while 레조넌스 does its auto-battling in the background.

레조넌스 Auto

To use Mini Mode, simply click the button at the top right corner of the emulator or use the Ctrl + F1 command. Once in this mode, you can also pin the instance so that they can always follow the game’s progress even with the small window.


Minimum System Requirements for Playing 레조넌스 on PC




Recommended Win10 and above 64-bit systems, including OpenGL 4.




8th Gen Intel Core i3-8100 4-core or higher, with VT option enabled


Graphics Card 


NVIDIA GeForce GTX1050 Ti 2GB or higher




8GB or more


Storage Space


10GB or more available space for installation disk, 2GB or more available space for system disk




Become the best railway operator and make your own railway company the best in the world with the help of various waifus and husbandos helping you fight against the world’s most dangerous mechs by playing 레조넌스 on PC with LDplayer 9.0 - the best emulator today!

Download 레조넌스 on PC