Mythical Odyssey Best Team Lineups - How To Make The Best Teams


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fight evil alongside many of the most powerful heroes in Chinese mythology and history? Well you don’t have to wonder anymore when you can do just that by playing Mythical Odyssey on PC.


Join forces with all the best heroes and deities from all of the most popular Chinese Mythologies and Novels to fight against all the forces of evil. Be it the amazing monkey king Sun Wukong or the extremely powerful Nezha, you will be able to summon them all and have them in the same team with you.


Thanks to the various mix and match of legends and mythologies surrounding these amazing deities and heroes, when specific characters are in a team together, they will be able to gain special effects and even more powerful buffs.

In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know when making a team lineup in Mythical Odyssey and show players the best teams they can make in order to be able to clear all of the contents in the game in the easiest and quickest way possible.

Mythical Odyssey Team Lineup - Everything You Need To Know

In Mythical Odyssey, when fighting against enemies and clearing stages, players will be able to deploy up to 6 different characters onto the battlefield, each with their own abilities, skills and effects that players can use to win the fight. In addition to this, the player character themself also have special effects and skills that will immensely affect the outcome of the battle.

Team Lineup & Positions

When in a battle, the team lineup in Mythical Odyssey will consist of a total of 6 different characters on the battlefield, 3 at the front and 3 at the back row, each with their own movement, skills and abilities that will take effect when they are in the fight.

Mythical Odyssey Best Teams

The order of action will be determined solely through the character’s position, with the 1st slot position character at the front attacking first, then the enemies’ 1st slot position character at the front, then onto the 2nd front row character and so on and so forth. 

Mythical Odyssey Best Lineup

Team positioning in this game is very important as unless there’s special skills being activated, characters at the front will take the full brunt of the enemies’ damage from both front and back enemies on the same row as them. The front row of your team lineup needs to be defeated first in order for the enemy to start hitting your back row, unless there’s special skills being activated.

Heroes Fated Bond & Passive Fated Bond Bonuses

Since the majority of the characters in Mythical Odyssey are from actual myths, legends and stories from Chinese history and culture, a lot of their stories will influence how you build a team, thanks to the game’s special Fated Bond system on every heroes.


The Fated Bond system is a special synergy system that grants individual heroes special stats and effects when they slot into a team with someone from their story or myth, allowing them to become stronger when there’s a team that revolves arounds a specific story or myth of a character.

Mythical Odyssey Fated Bond

For example, when Sun Wukong are in the same team with Tang Seng, both of them will activate their Faed bond effect, granting Sun Wukong an increase in Attack. This effect will also be extended if Zhu Baije and Sha Wujing are on the same team, granting them special increased Attack and special effects as well. This massively encourages players to build team lineups that utilizes multiple characters from the same myth or legend.


Another type of Fated Bond is the Passive Fated Bond, which is immediately active upon obtaining characters that have passive fated bonds with each other. These passive fated bonds are always active and you don’t have to bring the characters into the same team for it to activate. These Passive Fated Bonds grant the characters extra stats and sometimes special effects when they are on the battlefield. 

Mythical Odyssey Fated Bond

Savior Bell & Relics

Another thing that will massively influence your team lineup and team building decision is the main character themself. On the battlefield, aside from the 6 different characters that you can deploy onto the battlefield that will be the main source of actions and fighting, the main character or the savior will also be a part of the fight with the ability to damage enemies and support allies from the sideline.

In the fight, the savior has the ability to use special relics to unleash attacks or support abilities when their soul bar is charged to an appropriate amount. Each time an ally takes action, the soul bar of the savior will be charged up by 5 souls (unless special abilities to boost soul gain are activated). These souls can then be spent to use the savior abilities based on the relics they have equipped.

Mythical Odyssey Relics

The savior relics are divided into 2 different types: damaging relics and support relics. Damaging relics will serve as attacks that will deal damage to a single enemy or the entire enemy team, allowing the savior to soften up the enemy forces for your team. Meanwhile, support relics help to either buffs the entire team’s stats, heal allies or help provide special effects to allies when used. 

Mythical Odyssey Bell

Each relic ability consumes a set amount of souls and can only be used when their cooldown is not up. Multiple relic abilities can be used in succession as long as you have enough souls to fuel them. The effects and damage that relics do will increase proportionally to the stats of the savior’s Donghuang bell, which can be upgraded for better effects.

Mythical Odyssey Team Lineup - How To Make The Best Team

Positioning The Heroes Properly

The first step in making a good team lineup in Mythical Odyssey is to properly consider every heroes’ role in a team and their positioning when it comes to combat. As expected, players should put the heroes with high defense or high HP as tanks on the frontline in order to tank attacks from the enemies and put the more vulnerable but powerful DPS characters in the backline to prevent them from being attacked.


However, another thing players should consider when positioning the heroes is their order of action. If you have a character that can buff the entire team and is tanky, you should put them in the 1st slot at the front so that they can buff the entire team as soon as they enter the battle, allowing your team to become even stronger.

Consider Your Relics Carefully

Relics offer the savior special skills in battle and these skills can help your team immensely when they are in a pinch. So you should consider the best relics to bring to a fight that combos well with your team comps.

Mythical Odyssey Savior

Generally speaking, for DPs oriented team comps, you should bring Relics that boost the survivability of your team, while a more defensive team comp would need to be supplemented with damaging relics or debuffing relics depending on the situation.

Take Fated Bonds Into Consideration

Together with all of the considerations regarding team positions, players also need to consider the different fated bonds that they can activate on the different heroes when they start making a proper team. When fated bonds are activated, certain heroes will get a massive stat boost or even special effects and special attacks, so prioritizing getting certain character’s fated bond bonuses up is quite important.

Mythical Odyssey SSR

However, this doesn’t mean that you should make a team entirely to cater to a specific character’s fated bond bonuses, as other individual characters that don’t benefit from fated bond bonuses will hinder your team overall damage output and survivability, making it harder for your team to deal good damage or survive.


Keeping a balance of the different characters’ fated bond connections is quite important so players should balance out the team with individually strong characters of high rarity with little to no fated bond bonuses and certain characters with strong fated bond effects and bonuses when making a team.

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