Dungeon Hunter 6 Tier List – Selecting the Best Lieutenants in March 2025


Looking for the best lieutenants in the Dungeon Hunter 6 tier list? It is time to know which character becomes the strongest and which character falls into the weakest category. Dungeon Hunter 6 is a thrilling game where hack and slash come as the main part of its gameplay, and you, together with other heroes, are trying to stop a malevolent power. So, in order to gain victory through these epic battles, there should be a clear understanding of what character or lieutenants to choose, as that is your only path to victory.

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So, for all the Dungeon Hunter 6 beginners, we have created a list of characters here to help your journey to win the battles and through your adventure. With more hero adventures and more combat to handle, there is nothing like choosing a powerful character, so let us be your help. This is your Dungeon Hunter 6 tier list, and start playing Dungeon Hunter 6 on PC through LDPlayer 9. And then have the best start with the best optimizations from now on.

Dungeon Hunter 6 Tier List – Ranking

We have a total of four ranks that define our lieutenants in terms of their strength in the Dungeon Hunter 6 tier list as follows.

  • Tier S – the characters who have immense strength are here, and they are the superiors who can turn a battle in your favor. Even if your enemies are the most challenging ones you have to face, these characters won't find it an issue because their abilities and stats are at a top level.

  • Tier A – the most effective lieutenants are featured here, and they are also doing a great help towards your battles. They are not likely to have the same strength as the S rank, but it is safe to say that they bring the best strength.

  • Tier B – this is a rank that comes with the moderate skilled lieutenants. They do not hold similar strengths to the S and A ranks, but if you upgrade them properly, you can use them to the best in your battles.

  • Tier C – out of all the lieutenants from other ranks, this is where the lowest skilled characters can be seen, and it is better to refrain from choosing them for your gameplay.

Dungeon Hunter 6 Tier List – All Lieutenants Ranked

Now it is time to know which lieutenant is falling under which rank, and the following table will show you them under their ranking.






Lieutenant Name

Archmage Herbert

Agony Interrogator

Wilhelm Ironarm



Death Knight




Demonic Wolf

Rime Lady


Flame Lord

Harbinger Wyvern



Ser Charlie

Ruins Guardian


Red Protoceratop




Skeleton Archer



Mountain Giant









Valen Sentinel



Infernal Cerberus

Winged Terror



Haliburt Alemead




Frost Colossus




Big Mouth Huron


Who are the Best Characters in the Dungeon Hunter 6 Tier List?

Among all the ranked lieutenants in our Dungeon Hunter 6 game, the best rank will always go with tier S., But for those who want to know the best of them with a detailed overview, the following are the top-ranked lieutenants that we can recommend you from this guide.

  • Ser Charlie – this is an SSR character who comes from the water element, and he does the role of a defender here. He has a pretty good level of HP with him, and the highest range of offense and defensive skills make him a great character to use with the tank bosses.

  • Bridget – as an SSR unit, Bridget is doing an archer job under the fire element and is good at dealing with ranged attacks. Among most of the lieutenants in this game, she is holding the best attack stats and penetration stats to the best level.

  • Archmage Herbert – this is also an SSR character, but he belongs to the fire element, and there will be the best-supporting skills coming out of him in this game. If you are looking for a perfect lieutenant who helps you to clear bosses within the combat, then you have to go with this character. Archmage will do his best as a ranged unit against the enemies.

  • Flame Lord – Flame Lord is a fire unit from the SSR grade, and if you want to have the best AOE lieutenant, this should be a perfect choice.

  • Delphyne – Delphyne, a fire, SSR-graded lieutenant, is also the strongest character in this game, with some techniques to deal with energy against the enemies. She is here to give you the best strength, but please note that she is somewhat weak in terms of defense.

For all those who are working so hard to handle these characters to the best, try LDPlayer 9 with its Keyboard Mapping feature, as it helps you with all the movements with your lieutenants. It gives you the freedom to set a customized controlling scheme for all your game controls from your keyboard, so there is no need to stick with the game's default joystick.


And that ends the Dungeon Hunter 6 tier list, and if you were unable to find a great unit to work by your side, here are the top options you all can rely on. Make sure you choose a great lieutenant to work with and show your greatest performance, and this guide will surely support it.

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