Fate/Grand Order Tunguska Limited Time Event Guide - How To Obtain All Rewards


With the Christmas Eve upon us, Fate/Grand Order will have the chance to participate in a special one of a kind limited event where players will have the chance to defeat large amounts of enemies and obtain large amounts of rewards by joining other players in a special limited game event form - Raid Battles in the special limited time Christmas Main Story event - Anti-Primate Biosphere Tunguska Sanctuary. In addition to this special event that will grant players a large amount of rewards that players can partake in, players will also be able to roll on the brand new rate up banner, featuring the brand new 5* servant - the 5* Rider Taigong Wang.


In this guide, we will go over the details of the brand new special limited time event in Fate/Grand Order for this Christmas Eve - the Anti-Primate Biosphere Tunguska Sanctuary and advise players on how they can best obtain all of the event’s rewards. In addition, we will go over whether or not players should roll for the brand new servant on rate up - the 5* Rider Taigong Wang.



Let’s play Fate/Grand Order on PC and find out together.

Anti-Primate Biosphere Tunguska Sanctuary - What To Expect

The special limited time event for this Christmas Eve in Fate/Grand Order is a never before seen kind of mix between a Story oriented event and a special limited time event where players will be able to obtain various rewards by completing special stages, including one of the most important type of stages in Fate/Grand Order where players will be able to obtain a large quantity of rewards - Raid Battles.

Tunguska Sanctuary - Main Story Stages

During the event’s duration, players will be able to partake in the event and play story stages to advance in the story stages in order to complete the event missions and advance in the event in order to obtain special rewards including saint quartz to be used for pulling servants in the rate up banners.

During the event’s period, event stages will unlock eventually with the entire event story being unlocked on the 2nd week of the event. Once the story is completed, players will be able to obtain 1 Holy Grail and various other rewards that can be used to upgrade their servants.

Tunguska Sanctuary - Battle Stages & Raid Battles

Aside from the story stages, during the event, after clearing a certain story stages in the event, players will be faced with a special kind of battle known as Raid Battles. These Raid battles will be available for a limited time with a limited amount of Heath on their HP bar. Players will be able to challenge the Boss Stage as many times as they want as long as the HP Bar of the Boss is not depleted to 0. Players all over the server will have to join hands together to take down each of the bosses’ HP Bar as much as possible or even defeat them by completely deplete the boss’ total HP bar to 0 during the Raid Battles Periods.


After the Raid Battle period has ended or if the bosses have been defeated by the collective might of the entire server worth of players, a special final battle stage will be available where players will need to clear the Raid Boss stage 1 more time with extra mechanics and gameplay functions. Once cleared, players will be able to progress in the event and challenge other Raid Bosses further on in the event. In addition, completing these battle stages will reward players with the materials available from the boss during the Raid Battle period.

Once all of the battle stages have been completed, players will be able to clear the event and obtain a special Holy Grail as a limited time reward.

Tunguska Sanctuary - Bonuses And Important Notes

One of the most important things players need to note about the Tunguska Event is regarding the special bonus servants and Craft Essences that players can use during the event to boost their fighting chances against the different Raid Battles and Bosses.


During this event, certain servants will receive a special limited time Bond Points increase and Damage increase buffs that will allow them to deal more damage to the Raid Bosses, allowing players who have those servants to have an easier and faster time to clear the Raid Battles and obtain more rewards.

Another important thing for players to note is that, during the event, the special 3*, 4* and 5* Craft Essences that players can obtain from the gacha banner will have special effects to boost the Bond Points gained from the Raid Battles to ALL members in the team, allowing players to quickly increase the bond level of the servants for each Raid Battle the players complete during the event. So if players want to maximize the rewards, they will need to obtain some bonus Craft Essences from the gacha.

Special Rate Up Banner - Should You Roll

In conjunction to the special Tunguska Sanctuary Limited Raid Event, players will also have the chance to roll for a newly introduced 5* servant on rate up - the 5* Rider Taigong Wang.

Taigong Wang

Taigong Wang is a 5* Rider servant that specializes in both supporting the entire team by providing them with a selection of powerful buffs and dealing effective damage against enemies with the Divinity and Demonic traits.

Taigong Wang’s main strong point lies in his ability to boost the combat abilities of all allies by increasing their Quick and Buster performance and providing them with a 20% NP Battery. These buffs boost the damage output of other servants in the team and help them be more able to use their Noble Phantasm quicker. Taigong Wang’s utility also allows him to debuff the enemies with various beneficial debuffs to hinder their combat abilities. Finally, his skills also provide Taigong Wang himself a special damage up buff against both Divinity and Demonic enemies and grants him a 50% Battery, allowing him to boost his own combat prowess as well.


Taigong Wang’s Noble Phantasm improves his own Quick performance before dealing damage to all enemies, reducing their defense after he has used his Noble Phantasm to help increase the damage output of other allies attacking after him further.

Should You Roll

It depends. Taigong Wang is one of the more powerful servants that players can get in terms of utility and usefulness in the long term as he is a servant that has the ability to provide players with various important utility that players will need in future challenges and stages. In addition, he is a very good servant for players who want to use Quick teams and Quick oriented servants, as he boosts the abilities of these servants by a significant margin due to the lack of Quick supports in the game.

Overall, Taigong Wang is a worthwhile investment for players to get and build if they already know what they are doing and are in need of an extra support servant to help boost the servant roster and enable different servant team compositions for future challenging contents. In addition, players will need to determine whether or not they want to earn even more rewards from the Tunguska event, due to the fact that the Bonus Craft Essences will only be available during this banner, making rolling on it a very note-worthy and important thing to maximize the rewards outcome for the Tunguska event.

LDPlayer - The Perfect Starting Engine For Fate/Grand Order

With the game’s Anniversary fast approaching and brand new servants being released, now is the perfect time for old and new players alike to play Fate/Grand Order. And what better way to play Fate/Grand Order than on PC using LDPlayer’s amazing emulators.

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With the ability to play the game on 120 FPS and high Graphics settings, coupled with the ability play multiple accounts at once using the Multi-Instances function and the Key Binding Function, LDPlayer is the best choice for an emulator to start playing Fate/Grand Order on PC for all players, old and new alike.

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