Join forces with generals from the legendary Chinese novel Romance of Three Kingdoms and rewrite the novel’s outcome with your own destiny by playing KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms- on PC today with the help of LDPlayer 9.0 in 2 easy steps.
To start playing KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms- on PC, you will need to download the official Emulator from the official LDPlayer website. Complete the download and installation process by simply following the instructions. Once the installation process is complete, simply launch an Emulator instance of LDPlayer 9.0 straight from your PC.
Once you have completed this step, simply continue with the following steps for those who have installed the LDPlayer 9.0 Emulator as shown below.
Upon starting the emulator instance, to download KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms-, simply search “KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms-” on the search bar on the main screen and Install the game by clicking the “Install” button. Please make sure that the application being installed is the correct version of KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms- from 37GAMES
Upon clicking the “Install” button, you will be directed to the Google Play Store. Simply log into your pre-existing Google Play Account or create a new one by following the Google Play Store Instructions. Once finished, simply click the “Install” button on the Google Play Store page for KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms-.
Once the application finishes downloading, you can launch the app directly from the home page of the Emulator instance after receiving a small notification notice.
To set up the game data download and to link your data to an account to avoid data loss, players should follow the following steps:
2.1 - Upon launching the game, players will need to start downloading the game’s data at the start. Make sure to have a good internet connection and simply wait to continue into the game.
2.2 - Once the game download has finished, you will be able to start the game right away by choosing a character class and begin your conquest with other players in KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms-.
When attempting to download KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms- on PC, you may be treated with the Google Play Store’s notification that the version of the application is not available in your country for download. This is because KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms- is exclusively available for certain servers. When this happens, there are several solutions for you to download the game onto your emulators:
1 - The first option is to change your Google Play Store’s location by logging into a different region Google Play account in order to be able to download the game through Google Play Store.
2 - Another Option for players is to download the game’s APK file through the LDPlayer website. Simply select the download APK file option on the website to continue.
Afterward, you will be directed to the APK download page and will be able to download the APK onto your PC.
To Install the game onto the emulator, simply use the APK Install function (Ctrl + 3) on the Emulator’s side bar and select the APK file to install.
To conquer other nations and become the one true ruler of the continent, players will need to roll for special cards from the summoning pool in order to create the best card decks to fight against the enemies forces while playing KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms-.
In order to this, players should reroll in the game using the LDPlayer Multi-Instances feature, allowing you to get special powerful SSR general cards to aid you in battle.
To reroll, simply follow these steps:
1. Download the game onto a game instance following the instructions above. Then use the LDPlayer Multi-instances in order to duplicate the instances by using the “Clone Instances” option.
2. Once the cloned instances have finished downloading, open multiple instances at the same time in order to start rerolling. It is highly recommended that you prepare multiple accounts for the maximum amounts of pulls at the start.
3. Then you simply need to finish the game tutorial stages and advance the game main quest until you have unlocked the Motherbox feature to start rerolling.
Another way you can reroll is by taking advantage of the special OSLink function on LDPlayer that allows you to link your instances with your phone.
This allows you to reduce the amount of RAM your computer will use but still allows you reroll. To do this, you simply need to click on the “Remote LDPlayer” on the top bar and follow the instructions.
Then, simply download the OSLink app on your phone to link your phone and LDPlayer together to be able to reroll on your phone.
And with these amazing features from LDPlayer, we hope you will be able to obtain the cards for the best generals in the Romance of Three Kingdom and form the best possible decks to beat all of the enemies with ease.
Reunite the continent by joining forces with generals from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and become the sole ruler by playing KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms- on PC with the help of LDPlayer 9.0, the best emulator today!
Begin your journey to join the hall of fame with the help of these game guides:
- KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms- Battle Strategies and Tips for New Players
- KAI -Battle of Three Kingdoms- Deck Building and Line Up Guide – Useful Tips