Infinity Saga X Tier List for the Epic Journey – Select Your Best Characters in March 2025


Infinity Saga X is all about having an epic journey, and this journey is full of battles as well as adventures. So what if you don’t have the power to win these battles? You better note that your power comes through the best heroes, and in this game, it is by the souls. Souls or the characters are the ones that we used in this game to battle as well as for mining, so having an Infinity Saga X tier list by your hands is very useful because that is how you will know who does great and who will be the worst for your gameplay.

Infinity Saga X Tier List

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If you are an Infinity Saga X beginner, don’t worry about not knowing who are the best characters in this game because we will show you the best today. With a range of characters with different levels of powers and stats, you need to know who you can trust, so we are here to guide you for it with a perfect Infinity Saga X tier list. Use LDPlayer 9 to play Infinity Saga X on PC, and let’s start our journey with power now.

Infinity Saga X Tier List – Ranking

Altogether, there are five ranks that define our characters or the souls in the Infinity Saga X game, and based on these ranks, the powers as well as the performances of these souls can be changed. Since you are a beginner, we know that you need to know the best-working hero by your side so let us introduce you to the rankings first.

  • Tier S – these are the untimely excellent souls in the Infinity Saga X tier list, and no matter what level you are in, these heroes or the souls can save your day. They have the ultimate skills as well as the ultimate performances by their sides, so you can always face the battles perfectly with their strength levels.

  • Tier A – the best souls can be named under this rank, and they will only be second to the rank S. If you don’t have an S-ranked soul by your side, there is nothing wrong with going with an A-ranked soul, as they also have some best level of skills.

  • Tier B – you will be able to get these souls easily in the game but don’t expect them to have a superior level of strength as the A and S rank does. But for a beginner, they can be in a great state, and most of the time, they are on the supporting side of your game.

  • Tier C – the average souls can be seen here, and they don’t have a next level of damage output at all. So, if you have one from this rank, it is better to replace them as soon as you can.

  • Tier D – the least skilled or the least performing souls are here, and none of them can be recommended for your gameplay at all.

All Souls in the Infinity Saga X Tier List by Ranks

And now, let’s have a look into the souls by their respective ranks as follows.








Robin Hood

Sir Drake



















Don Quixote











Captain Kidd




Who are the Best Souls in the Infinity Saga X Tier List?

For those who are looking for the best souls in the Infinity Saga X game, please note that you all can rely on the S-ranked souls. They have the best powers compared to other ranks, but if you still want to know the best in detail, here is a list of them through the Infinity Saga X tier list.

  • Don Quixote – we chose Don as the best because of his capacity to increase both the physical and magic defense of the allies and he is also capable of providing us with immunity stats that last for five seconds. On the other hand, he is going to deal with great damage while restoring the HP, and for five seconds, Don can taunt the enemies who are close to him. This will allow you to have a shield for the attacks. So, if you want a soul who can ensure your survival as well as provide you with a great defense, you can definitely rely on Don Quixote.

Who are the Best Souls in the Infinity Saga X Tier List

  • Lotti – Lotti is going to be great for your backline, and she is going to be a great DPS as well. More than that, she got a great damage output in the Infinity Saga X gameplay, and we truly admire how amazing her damage-increasing rate is. The front enemies are going to suffer the most from her attacks, and there will be a decent AOE effect that comes with Lotti, too.

  • Jack – and then we have Jack, who will be a great DPS to the Infinity Saga X tier list. He is capable of increasing your critical damage as well as crit chance, and all the enemies who are in front of him are going to suffer damage, too. And yes, Jack also has a teleporting skill, which makes him reach an enemy to deal with damage. It is going to suffer the enemy with a bleeding effect for over 3 seconds.

  • Robin Hood – Finally, we would like to recommend Robin Hood as the best character, and he is going to be the next level of damage dealer in this game. You can easily beat individual enemies by using Robin Hood, and you don’t have to worry about facing tough bosses when you have Robin Hood in your hands. There is critical damage increasing with a great attack rate that comes with this soul, and you can see there will be a bleeding effect applied to the enemies by Robin Hood, too.

Who are the Best Souls in the Infinity Saga X Tier List


And with that all, here comes the end of the Infinity Saga X tier list, and for those who want to make it to a great level throughout their gameplay, don’t forget to follow up with an S or an A-ranked hero by your side. It will be your ultimate victory.

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