Kingdom: The Blood Pledge All Classes Guide and How To Pre-Register


If you are a fan of MMORPGs, then this is where you are supposed to be. Kingdom: The blood pledge is a new and incredible mobile RPG game. It stands apart from many others in the same category on app stores due to its immersive and story-driven experience. If you have played MMORPGs on PCs, this will be the perfect game for you to try on your phone. The game pays homage to the older and ever unique RPGs that you can find on PCs. With a beautifully designed open world, thrilling campaigns, and several different options to choose from for your playstyle – this is an up-and-coming game. 


Kingdom: The Blood Pledge


Before you preregister for the game and start prepping for the adventures that wait for you ahead, we will walk you through the different classes in the game. Moreover, we will also explain to you how you can preregister for the game and make sure you can play it as soon as possible.




Kingdom: The Blood Pledge is a massive PVP game that is being released in 150 countries worldwide. Kingdom: The Blood Pledge is committed to genuine hardcore players and pays homage to classic PC MMO titles. In this fascinating open world, you can assign stat points per your choice, learn over a hundred unique skills, and empower your character using runes and crystals.


This helps you greatly personalize your character so that you can be the master of your own experience in this fun and exciting open-world game. Furthermore, you can also trade freely and earn money overnight, engage in brutal chases and impressive sieges with players from all across the world.


As with most other MMORPGs and PVPs, Kingdom: The Blood Pledge also has different classes. You can choose from these classes depending on the playstyle you want to go for. Some will offer you a faster, more melee damage-based playstyle, while others offer a ranged playstyle, perhaps even a "tanky" one. This makes the game substantially more versatile and fun, especially for new players.


You can choose between the following classes in the game: Assassin, Archer, Warrior, Lancer, and Mage. Each of these classes encompasses a unique set of skills, strengths, and even weaknesses. We'll help you figure out which one might be suited for you so you can preregister for Kingdom: The Blood pledge.


Kingdom: The Blood Pledge


The Characters on Kingdom: The Blood Pledge




As with most other RPG games, the role of Assassins and what they have to offer follows a particular theme. In Kingdom: The Blood Pledge, Assassins are a powerful melee class that can inflict significant damage. Of course, being a melee class, you will have to be up close and personal with your target to get them. Many players enjoy using Assassins due to their high mobility and damage output.


They can be entertaining to play within a PVP as they can shred targets very quickly. Since you're close to the target, you're also at somewhat of a greater risk of harm. If you prefer to attack your opponents and targets from a distance, this class is not for you.


However, if you enjoy the close combat capacity provided by the Assassin class, then you should go for it. You can assign skill points to your Assassin and improve your character as a whole.




The name is very giving in terms of telling you what this particular class entails. Of course, Archers are a classic part of any MMORPG. Who would enjoy a good MMORPG without a fun Archer class, right? Archers deal ranged physical damage. If you want to engage at a distance and inflict physical damage to bring down your opponents, then this is the perfect class for you.


Since you have to shoot from a distance to bring down your enemies, one thing is for sure – you need to aim. While Kingdom: The Blood Pledge is not a heavily aim-based game, it's still essential for you to consider this. It will allow you to utilize the strengths of your class better and exploit the weaknesses of other classes.


The ability of the Archer class to bring damage to the table from a distance makes them very potent in the game. You can upgrade different attributes such as the damage output or the health to make the character fit your playstyle.




This class is the next staple of any fun MMORPG PVP game. In Kingdom: The Blood Pledge, you can enjoy the glory of being a true warrior. Like in many other games, the Warriors have a particular set of characteristics in Kingdom: The Blood Pledge.


They are known to be melee fighters that also have a decent defense. While they may not have as large of a burst potential as an Assassin, they make up for this lower damage output per second by being tankier.


Unlike the ranged classes, you don't need to worry about aim when playing with the Warrior Class. With focus and determination and using the proper stat point allocations, you can be a beast in this open world. You can also dominate PVP fights.


Kingdom: The Blood Pledge All Classes Guide and How To Pre-Register




We’ve talked about physical damage dealers up until this point. Of course, Kingdom: The Blood Pledge also has a magical class. Everyone loves to play the mage class because of how fun they are. Who doesn’t enjoy a little bit of magic in their life?


You can use the ranged magical damage basic attacks to hurt your targets from a distance – no need to be all up in their face. Of course, the availability of runes makes them much more fun to play. You can essentially use runes to provide your character with specific magical abilities like tornado attacks – for example.


They can use these abilities in battles against their opponents to stand a better chance against them. You can further customize what strengths you want your character to have by choosing the runes that work best for you and dominating all of your battles.




This is a unique class in Kingdom: The Blood Pledge, which stands out from others in some ways. In a nutshell, you could consider the Lancer-class as a hybrid between a warrior and a mage.


The Lancer is a melee class. However, on top of melee damage with their basic attacks, they can do something beyond that. They can even use runes to have specific abilities that give them an edge in battle.


You can use abilities such as the Tri-shock or the Aura protection to personalize your Lancer's abilities and make them dangerous in the battles you face. Lancers are incredibly fun to play with and should be tried if you are a beginner, given how versatile they are and considering everything they bring to the table.




The Assassin can also be considered as the Rogue class in most popular MMORPGs. The class shares most of its similarities: high DPS output, high mobility, good single target CC, and the ability to take down and crit an enemy to oblivion quickly.


However, with great power comes a great deal of balance, too, and the Assassin is abysmal at PvE. Since most mobs cannot get one shot relative to your level since they will always have higher Health, you will have a hard time clearing waves at an efficient amount of time. Plus, since you hardly have any AoE abilities, you won’t be enjoying yourself in dungeons too.


This is perhaps why Assassins and Rogues are mainly confined to PvP and are not very welcome in PvE. However, there is one place where Assassins truly do shine. When facing off against single target bosses and not heaps of mobs, they can do an incredible amount of DPS since they will be critting and CC chaining the boss to oblivion.


However, unlike other classes, you will need to put in a lot of time and effort to get the class to a level where they can pull off feats like these. Since you are a melee character, you won't be missing your hits and attacks a lot.


But, you must follow a particular skill/spell rotation, or else you will be at risk of getting hit by the enemy team. Do note that as soon as you get hit, you lose most of your tempo and flow, and it can get quite hard to bounce back efficiently.


Since you are squishy, you'll have to spend most of your time trying to avoid attacks, as even getting hit once can spell the end of your life. You also do not have any inherent resistances as compared to other classes. So, you need to be on your feet.


When it comes to difficulty, an Assassin is not meant to be a beginner class and is rather meant to be played by experienced MMORPG players who have an idea of the dynamics of the game since, as mentioned prior, you will have a hard time leveling up since you can't flash farm and will need to quite vary of your positioning.


However, after you master the Assassin, it is quite a fun class to play due to your high DPS output and the fact that you can stun and CC chain a single enemy indefinitely once you get the hang of the class.




The Archer is the ranged physical DPS dealer and is therefore extremely potent in the early level and remains so till the late game. While the class is not meant for its PvP prowess, it still packs quite a punch against most other classes since you can shred a lot of targets before they come close to you.


However, just like the Rogue class, if an enemy comes right up to you, it is likely over for you in most cases. While you are relatively mobile and can dodge and weave, you won't be standing a chance against any melee class in the game since they are much tankier. So, for an archer class, whether in PvE or PvP, the main coup de grace that you have in your range. So, play to your advantage and never let an enemy come close as you won't be living for long after that.


The Hunter generally is a class that will deal the highest DPS in the game over longer periods. The class itself is not extremely spelled or rotation reliant as auto-attacking is a key metric. However, just like the Rogue, you really aren’t able to take a lot of hits.


Where the Archer shines is in dungeons and PvE, as you can absolutely shred through hoards of enemies with little to no effort. Since you have the ability to absolutely plow down a large group of enemies, you are quite preferable in dungeons and raids.


But you will need to always establish a range that you are comfortable with in order to deal a high amount of damage against a plethora of enemies. The Archer is also relatively mobile compared to other classes. Since you hardly have any channeled spells, you can move in and around out of the fight quite quickly.


The biggest disadvantage that you will feel when playing the class is the emphasis you will need to put into making sure that you are always positioned always as if you are unable to do so. You will end up getting hit for no reason.




Perhaps the most staple class of the game. The Warrior Class is quite different as compared to the two classes mentioned above. Known as the Brute class, it is an absolute all-rounder in almost every regard. You can also spec (build unique items and spells) so that the class fits more towards what you expect from it.


For example, if you are into PvP, you can kit yourself out to deal with a lot of DPS while not being as Tanky as other specs. Since you are a melee class, your only objective in a fight is to try and get close to your enemy. Once you do so, you can easily take them out with your auto attacks and the high DPS / sustainable spells that you have, which in most cases spells disaster for the enemy.


Another kit you can go for is to become an absolute Tank. This can be considered as the Paladin class in most other MMORPGs. Kitted with tons of Health and a high defense stat, you are an absolute necessity in most dungeons since you are the only class primarily that can tank so many mobs at the same time. You will also be tasked with organizing pulls for your dungeon or raid party, which will be entirely dependent on their relative strength to you.


If you pull too many enemies, you will end up being the sole reason your squad gets wiped. Pull too little, and you will be wasting time for your team. In any case,d the Tank Warrior is an extremely viable class and is much needed in the game since there is a lack of them. The reason why there are not a lot of tanks is that they will always deal less with DPS as compared to other classes and are relatively immobile.


So, if you play the game competitively, you will need to keep constantly changing your gear to remain viable. The main advantage, however, of playing a Warrior still is your versatility. The fact that you can play multiple roles with no issues and can defend yourself in PvP situations without the need for external help is quite useful.


Another aspect of the Warrior most neglect is the emphasis on positioning the class has. Do we get it, positioning on a melee character? That isn't necessary, right? Well, no. You still need to get right on top of your enemies to deal damage, and if you are playing against a powerful ranged character, a few hits can spell the end of you. So, you won't have much time to go up to them and kill them.


Therefore, you will need to be quite good at positioning yourself and anticipating the enemy’s attacks. If you mess up by a slight margin, anyone can take advantage and take you down quickly.


The Assassin is another pesky class for you to deal with, as they can take you down quite quickly due to their insane burst single target damage. However, the Assassin is just meant to be good at PvP. While you are useful in Dungeons due to your tanky nature, do not expect to be dealing more damage than any other DPS classes present in the game.


Therefore, we recommend playing the Warrior more like a Tank than anything else. If you want to go for DPS, you should probably aim to play another ranged class as they are generally more viable in the current meta.




The absolute top DPS AoE class present in the game. Known for its high channeling times, the Mage’s saving grace is its insane AoE damage that can take down entire dungeons if executed properly. With access to tons of magical spells, debuffs, and CC chains, the Mage is a force to be reckoned with under most circumstances.


In our opinion, the strongest leveling combo in the game is a Warrior coupled with the Mage. They both alleviate each other's issues perfectly. The Mage lacks in Health, the Warrior steps up, and where the Warrior finds it hard to take down multiple mobs, the Mage handles it like a breeze.


While you might feel invincible in PvP, the Mage suffers from low mobility and high channeling times. You will have to spend a lot of time staying static in the same area, which isn't great. Classes like the Assassin can make quick work of you as they can easily take you down because they boast abilities that they can use to sneak up on you.


Other classes, too, will not be sweating a lot in trying to take you down. Therefore, you generally are the weakest PvP class in the game due to your lack of mobility and spell reliance. However, the class is extremely strong in PvE situations. A Mage is needed in almost every real dungeon raid due to their high damage and AoE attacks. You can take down a bunch of mobs quickly, and coupled with a good tanking Warrior. You can be a devastating combo.


As always, a Mage is mana reliant and must play off their cooldowns. You can't go in guns blazing every time as there is downtime which you will need to respect when it comes to your skills. A mage without their skills will die extremely quickly as you do not have any inherent defensive abilities, which makes you quite an easy target in most situations.


When it comes to difficulty, while a Mage is relatively easy to level with, they are quite hard to duel with. So, if you are more into PvE, the Mage is quite an easy pick. However, if you want to PvP and duel with the Mage, we recommend gaining a bit more experience by playing the Warrior or another ranged class like the Hunter before diving headfirst into the class.




This class has perhaps the most nuances in the game. Considered as one of the most versatile, they deal a lot of melee damage but still have some channeled magic damage that infers considerable amounts of damage. If you haven't picked the class up already, we recommend doing so, especially if you are a beginner due to the sheer versatility offered.


In terms of dueling, the class will be able to plow through every ranged class with no trouble whatsoever. The biggest concern you'll be facing is perhaps with melee classes like the Warrior, who has more HP than you and has inherent ways to defend against magic damage. But, since this is a unique class even in the realm of MMORPGs, you should check it out once before making up your mind.


Preregister for Kingdom: The Blood Pledge with LDPlayer:


You must be thrilled about the game after hearing about the various classes that it has to offer. That, coupled with the immersive open-world experience, makes the game very fun to play. Now that you want to play the game, you will have to preregister for it on the play store.


You can easily do that using the LDPlayer emulator and preregister it on your PC. Then, later on, you can also use the LDPlayer emulator to enjoy the whole MMORPG experience on PC for these fantastic games. It's always fun to play games the way they are meant to be played.


Here's what to do to preregister for Kingdom: The Blood Pledge


  1. Go to LDPlayer’s website here
  2. Download the LDPlayer emulator
  3. Search for Kingdom: The Blood Pledge in the search bar
  4. After you see the game in the options, click the preregister button


There is also another way to preregister for the game. You can simply go to the official website of the game and preregister from there. You will find an option to preregister that you can click. You can also find more information about some of the classes on their official website.


With these simple steps, you are done and preregistered for one of the most promising MMORPGs coming to mobile this year. By pre-registering, you can get one of four rare weapons in the game – which will be amazing to start with and a good addition to your collection.


Kingdom Blood Pledge Pre-reg




Kingdom: The Blood Pledge is a fascinating and immersive open-world RPG game filled with excellent graphics, quests, and things to do. You are unlikely to be bored playing this game. If you're a fan of MMORPGs, then this game was made for you. You can choose from all of the classes they have to offer and pick one best suited to your playstyle and how you prefer to enjoy the game. As we discussed, each class has its unique strengths and abilities, which you can use to your advantage. Try your best to use the ability upgrade and rune options to optimize your characters.


Preregister for the game as soon as possible, following the steps that we've mentioned to enjoy the game as it rolls out worldwide.

Download Kingdom: The Blood Pledge on PC