Onmyoji Arena Tier List 2025 - The Best Characters


Onmyoji Arena is taking all of us into real-time 5v5 battles, and this game always makes it close to the original characters. The game has the best skills to take us for a new MOBA experience. With its amazing mechanics, objectives, and central team building, what made it more shining was the Onmyoji Arena tier list with its roster of characters.






There are more than 100 playable Onmyoji Arena characters here, and they will be again divided into six more categories as well. Each category comes with unique skills stats. Properties and also passive skills as well. We call Onmyoji Arena characters the Shikigami and knowing who will do the best and who lacks skills is harder. Especially if you are a beginner, selecting one will be more challenging.

Moreover, the Onmyoji Arena tier list is constantly shifting, and some characters fall great, and others with some unique traits regularly. So knowing who to choose to have great performance saves your time, and this guide is for you. We will look into the best Onmyoji Arena characters with their powers and weaknesses.

S Tier

As usual, the S tier will be the best Shikigamis in the Onmyoji Arena tier list.

Top Lane Shikigami

As the best top laner for the Onmyoji Arena tier list, we can call Kani Hime, and she got large damage and controlled abilities with the shield. She will be great to use in 1V1 and a great character to neutralize and target some enemy players. Kani Hime will sometimes be hard to be used correctly and kited at somewhat, and those are the only weaknesses she has.



Mid Lane Shikigami

The best mid lane Onmyoji Arena character from the S tier will be the Maestro. He comes with numerous self-buffs mobility skills, and he got a kit that let him melt and nuke his enemies quickly. He has some fragile issues that make him hard to use, and that is the only weakness that Maestro holds.

Bot Lane Shikigami

There are only a few hard carries and marksmen in the Onmyoji Arena tier list, and one of them can be called Enma. Enma has a combination of bursting damage and magical attacks, and she has the greatest self-buffs with mobility as well. Rather than most of the hard carries in Onmyoji Arena, Enma depends so much on her abilities, so you must learn well to control her.

If you need a supporter from bot lane, we suggest you use Momo because she has a lot to offer with the support, healing, and harass potentials. She can resurrect the fallen heroes and will continuously have them in the fight. When it is the late phase of the game, Momo will get so many disruptive abilities and force her enemies to move.

Jungler Shikigami



The best jungle Shikigami from the Onmyoji Arena tier list will be the Kainin because she got some significant burst damage and movement abilities. This hero uses two ways to close enemies, and she does it while boasting some slow effect on the first skills. There will also be an ultimate skill to knock all the enemies back with Kainin. Kainin also possesses the best burst damage from Onmyoji Arena characters.


A Tier

A tier Shikigamis are also powerful from the game.

Top Lane Shikigami

Kuro is the best for top laners here, and most of the damage potentials are based on him being attacked. Kuro can counterattack and deal with great damage to all the closest enemies he hits. There is a taunting skill associated with this character, and it will force all the near enemies to attack him for a short time. Kuro is straightforward to use but somewhat slow.

Mid Lane Shikigami

Higanbana has the most control skills, excellent AOE skills and survivability as a mid laner, and she can excel very well within the team fights. Most of Higanbana’s skills are focused on the AOE means.

Bot Lane Shikigami

Chin is an excellent pick for a bot lane hero as she has the easiest kits against the hard carry. She applied the deadly poisons to her enemies and got the basic attacks to have continuous damage. She goes it while decreasing enemy armour and while making them slower.

If you want a support role here, you can choose Umibozu as a tank, and she got many self-healing and controlling abilities and AOE slow down effects. Those slow down effects make this Shikigami keep enemies incapacitated to give his allies time to clean up.

Jungler Shikigami

Here the Kakuzosu will be a great choice with so much damage and surviving skills, and he can make himself invisible after he has stood within the brush for over 2 seconds. While Kakuzosu is in an invisible state, he will have a sense of his enemy positions which have been already inflicted by burning shadow marks. Kakuzosu’s abilities will make these marks, and even if you are in a battle or not, this character is a great addition to a team because of his great vision.

B Tier

B tier characters are not that powerful, but they will be helpful in your game.

Top Lane Shikigami h3

There are not any Onmyoji Arena characters we can name as bad. And as a top lane Shikigami, Kyonshi Ani will be good with mediocre and decent abilities. But his kit is not doing huge damage, and there is so much disruption associated with it. Kyonshi Ani can resurrect himself after drying within a short period, and for a while, he will be fighting as well. He is a great CC Shikigami to be used in the game.

Mid Lane Shikigami

Kingyo will be an easy choice here, and she has a forwarding kit with the skills to affect her enemies without any condition. She doesn’t have a great skill kit or damage, but Kingyo can move faster from the river to make her top champion from Onmyoji Arena tier list.

Bot Lane Shikigami

Hakuro is a free champion you can take from the first install of the game, and there is a basic kit associated with her to deal damage and perform basic attacks. Hakuro will easily chase and engage with 1v1 enemies when you can gear her well.


If you need a support role, choose Samurai X here with slowing and boasting decent damage effects. He can also burst the speed of the movement and harass his enemies. Samurai X will deal with damage and taunt enemies within a large area with his ultimate skill. Those are great for a team fight.

Jungler Shikigami

Mannendake will be great to use here, even though he is somewhat complex to use effectively. But he is great with mobility skills, and Mannenake can slow down and stun his enemies. The ultimate of this hero will make surprise attacks by any wall where enemies are least expecting it.

C Tier


These are the weakest, and try to avoid them as much as possible.

Top Lane Shikigami

Hannya is the first to avoid here because he is too complicated and has a kit that requires a lot of effort. But still, he is a fun champion in the Onmyoji Arena tier list because he is switching from melee to combat styles.

Mid Lane Shikigami

Enenra is great here as a concept, and she got a kit to settle down chasing and attacking minions. But she becomes a bad pick because her kit lacks damage, and she might have some potential for the late game with team fights.

Bot Lane Shikigami


Dodomeki is a weird champion with a kit that depends too much on her skills. It is not bad, but many other characters can do better than Dodomeki. And as a supporter, there is also a strange pick as Karasu Tengu. He got the skills to set in the top lane but doesn’t have excellent skills like any other Skhkigami.


Jungler Shikigami

This is a bad jungler named Kamaitachi, and his kit is jungling and ganking all the time. He will be a hard pick for any role.

To get the best actions with these champions, try to get familiar with the Keyboard Macro Commands from LDPlayer, and it will set up one key to making you perform so many actions. That way, all the actions of Shikigami will be easier and more controlled than ever.


This is not the entire tier list of Onmyoji Arena characters, but these are the honest options of the best characters from each category. So take an idea of how these characters will act great and poorly for your gameplay and come into confusion to choose the best one for your success.

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