The Best Scary Games on Roblox That You Need to Play in 2025


Can a charming Roblox game be frightful? You have no clue how much fun the scary Roblox games are to play with friends. Even by yourself, playing scary games on Roblox is a lot of fun. We chose the top scary Roblox games for you to play in 2022 with our guide because we wanted to give you a chance to experience them too. Most of the scary Roblox games are fan-created stories; despite being cute, they have managed to deliver an excellent experience leveraging the darkness and surround sounds.

The Best Scary Games on RobloxMany scary Roblox games to play with friends are packed with everything a scary match should have. We have managed to list the finest scary games on Roblox you should play, but the list does not reflect any ranking because each game has something unique to offer. So, if you are interested in knowing which are the spookiest games on Roblox, read this guide. And also, keep in mind that the LDPlayer 9 is the best emulator to play all these scary games on Roblox, with its most comfortable features and tools to make things easier in every gameplay. 


Since you are at the guide, including the best scary games on Roblox, get ready to know our first recommendation, Piggy. The game is a survival horror game in which you must escape from Piggy. The game has various modes and maps that can be chosen with the highest votes. In most maps and modes, you have to escape the map with the help of different tools. 


When you try to escape from the map, Piggy, at the same time, comes to kill you and all the other survivors. As you love scary Roblox games to play with friends, you need to try this Piggy game to experience how scary it is to escape through different maps with obstacles. And also, since there are many game modes, do not stick to one, but try every mode and see how terrified you are when you play Piggy. 

Murder Mystery 2

Murder Mystery 2 is also recommended if you love scary games on Roblox. We have included this game in this guide because it gives you the terrifying feeling you will ever feel when playing games. 

Murder Mystery 2

Here, in our gameplay, there are twelve players and one of them will be the murderer, and another one will be the sheriff. And the remaining ones will be the innocent ones. So, the innocent ones have to run without being caught by the murderer if they want to survive. The sheriff is with the innocent and the only one who can kill the murderer with its weapon. The murderer is the one that is going to kill all the innocents, but the murderer should be careful to be survived by the sheriff, who is looking for the murderer to kill. 

What is your opinion about this gameplay? Isn’t it fun? Yes, it is fun and terrifying, both at the same time. Since this is also among the best scary Roblox games to play with friends, do not delay trying it to have the best terrifying feeling. 


Roses will be your next choice if you love scary games on Roblox because this game is developed as an adventure horror game. According to the game plot, you and your friends are recording a film for a contest, and during it, one of your friends, Max, has gone lost. And your duty now is to put aside the filmmaking and start finding the lost friend Max. You have to go and explore the Asylum to find the friend back and try playing the game Roses to check whether you are courageous enough to face any scary thing. 



This is also one of the best scary games on Roblox, and the DOORS come as a first-person horror survival game. Here the main objective is, passing through various doors in the gameplay. But do not underestimate the gameplay, as it will allow you to pass through all the doors easily because many creatures try to kill you when you pass the doors. 


Every door will let you go to a new room, and once you find the keys, you can pass through the room and open the next door. Like this, you need to solve all the secrets and reach the last door of the floor, but you should be careful enough not to get killed by the entities in the rooms. 


ALONE IN A DARK HOUSE game, mentioned in the scary games on Roblox, comes with a story that takes us into 1996. According to the game plot, you become a detective to investigate a murderer. 


When you go to the abandoned house with your co-workers, you will be able to unlock more dark secrets of that family that lived here. As you are the detective officer who investigates this house, you will always feel someone is always investigating your every move. So, can you reveal the dark secrets hidden in this abandoned house? 

Survive the Killer!

This also can be considered one of the best scary games on Roblox because of the fright it gives the players who play this Survive the Killer! The gameplay has main two parties, the killer and the survivors. 

Survive the Killer!

The main duty of the killer is to kill as many survivors before the time runs out or before they escape. And the survivors have to be hidden from the killer while escaping from the killer with other teammates saving each other. Since the gameplay is challenging, it has become a part of the best scary Roblox games to play with friends

Dead Silence

If you wish for something that gives you the scariest and spookiest vibes with the best horror elements, then the Dead Silence will be our first recommendation mentioned among the scary games on Roblox. The game has an excellent terrifying story, and you can play it with your friends or alone. The more alone you play this Dead Silence gameplay, the scarier it becomes. 

Dead Silence

As per the story of the game, you are going to investigate the death of Mary S., a legendary story. If you are courageous enough to face the most frightening things all by yourself, you should play this Dead Silence. 

Murder Party

Does this game name sound scary, or it sounds funny? To us, it sounds fun mixed with scary vibes. The main thing in this game is multiple parties fighting against each other, and each party has a purpose that the team members should complete. The party who completes their purpose at the end of the game will win. 

Murder Party

If you are one of the team murderers, then you need to murder others, but another one should not kill you. After you kill the other team members, you should kill your team members to be the last man standing proudly. 

If you are a member of team chaos, you should use your computer and hack through it to earn the victory. When the hacking process is completed hundred percent, it will confirm your team’s victory. The next team here is the party team and if you are one of them, your main goal is to join everyone alive at the party by giving a party hat. If everyone alive has a party hat, the party team wins. The last team is the team law; if you belong to this, you should cooperate with your teammates and stop all other teams from winning. 

Cheese Escape

Cheese Escape is another game that belongs to the best scary games on Roblox. Even though it belongs to the scary Roblox games to play with friends, it gives us such sweet and delicious vibes as the cheese is delicious. According to the gameplay, you must escape from a harmless rat living in cheese. Even if the rat is harmless, why does this become a horror game? You need to play Cheese Escape on your own to experience it. 

Cheese Escape

The Asylum

The Asylum is next among the scary games on Roblox we brought for you. As per the gameplay, you are an explorer who has to explore an abandoned asylum. What will you encounter when you explore the floors in this Asylum? To know precisely, start playing The Asylum gameplay.

The AsylumConclusion

These are the top-rated multiplayer and single-player monsters of scary games on Roblox we thought you would enjoy. Try these scary Roblox games to play with friends at least once; you might like them all. So this is where we will end our best scary Roblox games to play with friends in 2023. We hope you enjoy them all.

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