Epic Seven Christmas 2023 Side Story Event Guide


With the Christmas season going strong and everyone is celebrating their Christmas specials in various ways, Epic Seven is also holding a special Christmas exclusive celebration, featuring a brand new limited time 4 weeks long event side story to coincides with the Christmas season in the form of the special side story event - Eerie Night In The Secret Garden. Together with this side story, players will also have the chance to roll for 2 brand new specially rated up heroes - the brand new Limited 5* Hero - the Ice elemental Ranger Byblis and the returning 5* Hero - the 5* Fire Ranger Lidica.


In this guide, we will go over the details and all the things players will need to know about the brand new Limited time Christmas Side Story - Eerie Night In The Secret Garden in Epic Seven and advise players on how they can best obtain all of the event’s rewards in the fastest way possible. In addition, we will also go over whether or not players should roll for the special rated up heroes - the brand new Limited 5* Hero - the Ice elemental Ranger Byblis and the returning 5* Hero - the 5* Fire Ranger Lidica.



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Epic Seven Christmas 2023 Side Story - What To Expect

With the special Christmas season upon all, players of Epic Seven can expect a special limited time 4 weeks long side story event in the form of the special side story - Eerie Night In The Secret Garden, explore the curious secret garden with the nuns of the Holy Order of the Cross and uncover deep secrets about the mysterious flowers cultivated by the owner of the garden - Byblis. By partaking in the event, players will be able to obtain a large amount of limited time rewards, including character upgrading materials, gear upgrading materials, limited time seasonal pets and even premium currencies that can be used to summon for heroes.

The special side story of Eerie Night In The Secret Garden is divided into 2 main parts - Adventure and Garden Management.

Eerie Night In The Secret Garden - Adventure

The adventure mode is the main story mode of this special side story event where players would need to clear special story and battle stages in order to progress in the side story and obtain various rewards along the way. Special event exclusive mechanics and rewards can only be unlocked and obtained by completing a certain amount of story and battle stages during this event period, so players need to pay attention and do these stages as soon as possible.

The Adventure mode of this special side story will be divided into 3 different parts, each unlocking 1 week after another, and by clearing each part, players will unlock special mechanics known as the Garden Management system and even meet mysterious and amazing new characters along the way.

Eerie Night In The Secret Garden - Garden Management 

Garden Management is the 2nd and the most important part of this side story event as it allows players to accumulate special event currencies in order to obtain even exclusive rewards and more.

During the event’s period, players will be tasked with taking care of Byblis’ garden by growing different types of plants, building special structures unique to the garden and assigning special heroes to tend to the garden. By doing these tasks, players will accumulate the special “Warm Sunlight” meter overtime. By accumulating a large amount of this special currency, players will be able to further upgrade the plants and level them up, increasing the production of Warm Sunlight and obtaining special event exclusive rewards once the flowers have grown to a certain level.


Special structures can also be built in the garden by spending a certain amount of Warn Sunlight. These special structures will massively increase the production of Warm Sunlight and will aid players in obtaining the event’s rewards. 


Finally, players can assign special heroes to tend to the garden, with each hero assigned giving the garden a certain amount of percentage boost to the Warm Sunlight production. It is also important to note that, if you have and assign Byblis as one of the flowers’ caretaker, she will enjoy a massive boost in Warm Sunlight production, allowing you to obtain even more Warm Sunlight simply by having her in the garden.

Special Rate Up Banner - Should You Roll

Together with the release of the Epic Seven Christmas special side story event, players will also have the chance to roll for an obtain one of the special limited heroes and the main character of the event - the 5* Limited Ice Ranger Hero - Byblis.


Byblis is a 5* Ice elemental Ranger hero that specializes in hindering the enemy team’s combat prowess and capabilities by massively reducing the duration of the enemies’ buffs and inflicting them with various powerful debuffs that hinder their power greatly. In addition, she also severely punishes any enemies that use counter attacks as their main strong point and gimmick.

Byblis’ 2nd skill passive allow her to initiate a special attack that targets all enemies, reducing their buff duration by 1 turn and have a 50% chance to inflict them with the special defense break debuff, massively reduces their defense by 70% if there is any enemies that uses a counter attack skill on your team. This skill allows you to massively reduce the threat of the enemy and soften them up for other allies to defeat the enemy teams. 

Additionally, Byblis’ 3rd skill allows her to deal another instance of AOE damage to all enemies, reducing their buff duration by another 1 turn and inflicting them with decreased hit chance debuff, making them less likely to successfully hit other allies. Additionally, this skill also grants the team a massive Barrier buff, increasing the team’s defensive abilities even further and allowing the team to survive difficult fights.


Byblis is a very powerful hero with a skill kit that is cater to counter the current meta of the PvP contents in Epic Seven, allowing her to be a very interesting and important pick for players to obtain.

Should You Roll

Yes, You Should. Not only is Byblis is a 5* Limited hero, making her availability extremely limited, her skill kit is an extremely powerful skill kit with her ability to counter some of the most powerful PvP enemies currently in the game of Epic Seven, allowing her to shake up the meta all by herself whenever the player is faced with enemies that use Counter attacks skills. For long term investment and for collection purposes, players should absolutely attempt to roll for Byblis as she will become a vital part of the game’s meta moving forward.

However, it is also important to note that after the release of Byblis, an additional Limited Hero banner will also be announced shortly, meaning that players will need to choose between rolling for Byblis or rolling for this brand new limited character. Therefore, players should wait until the 2nd week of Byblis banner and see the skill kit and abilities of this brand new limited hero that will be introduced to make a decision on whether they should go all out of Byblis or should they go the new Limited Hero instead.

LDPlayer 9.0 - The High Quality Epic Seven Gaming Experience

LDplayer is the most stable emulator to allow players to run Epic Seven smoothly, at high speed and high quality, and provides many amazing functions to help all players to have the perfect Epic Seven Gaming Experience.

For newer players that intend to join the game, it is recommended that they utilize LDPlayer’s multi-instances function to reroll and have the perfect head start in the game. 

For older players, LDPlayer also allows for a mini window function, helping players to farm in the background while they enjoy their favorite activities on PC, lessen the RAM cost and allow the computer to run smoother.

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