With MU: Dark Epoch being a massive MMORPG player oriented gaming experience, many players will be able to experience the joy and thrill of fighting powerful monsters and cooperate with other players in order to defeat powerful monster raids in order to obtain the best equipment for stronger builds.
Since this is a MMORPG gaming experience, the different classes of characters will massively affect the players’ gameplay experience as the different classes in the game will determines the stats players will need to invest in, the skills they have access to and all the different team compositions and raid teams that they can participate in in order to help other players against dangerous monsters as well.
In this guide, we will go over everything you might need to know regarding the different classes in MU: Dark Epoch, including all of their pros and cons that players will need to consider and advises players on which class should they choose in order to have the best MMORPG gaming experience while playing MU: Dark Epoch on PC.
When starting MU: Dark Epoch, players will have the choice between the different classes the game offers, each with their own unique pros and cons that players can consider when picking a class at the start. Each of these classes functions as the base class at the start of the game and during game progression, you will be able to advance the class and learn new skills gradually through the process of spending points and upgrading the characters to a suitable level.
Each class has their own strengths and weaknesses that are dependent on the different play styles that players would want to experience when playing the game and players should focus on playing in a class that suits your playstyle the best in order to have the best raiding experience. The classes available in the game are:
Dark Knight is a melee oriented class that focuses on dealing quick physical melee damage to enemies in a close range, allowing them to dispatch large groups of enemies surrounding the team all the while tanking the damage coming from enemies.
The Dark Knight main weapons include the sword and the axe, with players being able to use both weapons at the same time to dual wield and attack the enemies in a decently wide area. Each of the attacks from Dark Knight increases the character’s own attack and lifesteal stat, allowing Dark Knight players to deal even more damage the more they attack while absorbing the damage dealt to enemies as HP.
As a melee oriented class that requires players to do melee combat, Dark Knight is a class that wants all the Strength and Stamina stats as much as possible. Other stats that players should invest in while playing the Dark Knight Class are the Attack Speed and Physical Attack stats, allowing players to deal more damage and attack much faster.
Once players have reached the level thresholds, the Dark Knight class can be advanced into stronger classes, with the ability to select different branches of the Dark Knight Class to advance into in order to obtain special abilities and skills according to the different advanced classes.
At level 120, players can advance the Dark Knight class into the Dark Knight Advanced Class and the ability to select 2 different class lines: Ruthlessness (Skill Damage & Attack Oriented), Will to Retaliate (Counterattack & Damage Reduction Oriented).
At level 200, players can advance the Dark Knight Advanced Class into the Soul Knight and the ability to select 2 different class lines: Defense Shield (Defense Oriented), Bloodlust (Life Steal Oriented).
Dark Wizard is a ranged oriented class that focuses on dealing magical damage to enemies from afar, with powerful spells and skills granting the character powerful buffs and inflicting strong crowd control debuffs on the enemies.
The main weapons of the Dark Wizard are staves, with the ability to dual wield different types of staves to deal different elemental damage and boost the power of outgoing skills and abilities.
As a magic and mana oriented class, players who play the Dark Wizard class should focus on investing in stats like Energy and Agility, allowing the players to have a higher reservoir of mana to use skills and magical abilities while being agile enough to dodge attacks and avoid enemies.
Once players have reached the level thresholds, the Dark Wizard class can be advanced into stronger classes, with the ability to select different branches of the Dark Wizard Class to advance into in order to obtain special abilities and skills according to the different advanced classes.
At level 120, players can advance the Dark Wizard class into the Archmage Class and the ability to select 2 different class lines: Spatiotemporal Control (Skill Cooldown Reduction & Skill Spam Oriented), Poison Veterancy (Poison & DoT Oriented).
At level 200, players can advance the Archmage Class into the Soul Mage and the ability to select 2 different class lines: Spatiotemporal Knowledge (Skill Spam & Skill Damage Oriented), Poison Shield Veterancy (Poison & Parry Defensive Oriented).
Elf is a ranged class with the ability to focus fire and snipe an enemy from a long distance in addition to dealing AoE Physical damage to enemies in a wide area by attacking them with volleys of powerful arrows.
The Elf Class’ main weapon is the bow and arrow, allowing players to attack enemies from afar with precise attacks are rapid firing arrows towards the enemies. The Elf class is generally very agile and can attack very quickly thanks to their relatively small build and quick attack speed.
For the Elf class, players should invest in the Agility and Energy Stats, as Elf will require you to be quick and agile while spamming skills and attacks, consuming large amounts of mana at the same time. Other stats they should focus on are attack and attack speed to boost the general damage output of the class.
Once players have reached the level thresholds, the Elf class can be advanced into stronger classes, with the ability to select different branches of the Elf to advance into in order to obtain special abilities and skills according to the different advanced classes.
At level 120, players can advance the Elf class into the Muse Elf Class and the ability to select 2 different class lines: Blast Wind (Evasion & Parry Oriented), Deadly Hit Veterancy (Precise Attacks Oriented).
At level 200, players can advance the Muse Elf Class into the Soul Elf Class and the ability to select 2 different class lines: Summon Veterancy (Summoning Oriented), Nimble Veterancy (Quick Movement and Dodge Oriented).
For players who prefer to build their characters tanky and difficult to kill or want to become the tanker for a whole party, it is highly recommended that you choose the Dark Knight Class. The Dark Knight Class is very melee oriented with the ability to use skills that boost the defensive capability of the entire team.
When using a tanky build, players should go with the Dark Knight class line of Will to Retaliate and Defense Shield to boost the overall survivability of the character for hard fights and protect the team.
For players who want to play as the main DPS for the team in raids and want to play offensively in all the battles, Dark Knight and Elf are classes that are made for you.
For Dark Knight, players can build an offensive lifesteal build with the Class Lines Ruthlessness and BloodLust to constantly deal damage to enemies while stealing their health and maintain your damage.
For Elf, players can build a precise high critical damage build with the Class Lines Deadly Hit Veterancy and Summon Veterancy, allowing the players the ability to deal massive amounts of damage while summoning support to the team.
For Skill Buffing and Debuffing spamming builds that help to support teammates and buffing yourself, players should choose the Dark Wizard class as their starting class.
Both of the Dark Wizard Class’ Class Lines excel at spamming skills to buff and debuff the enemies, creating beneficial situations for the team and amplify the team’s overall damage output.